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g.rename(1grass) Grass User's Manual g.rename(1grass)

g.rename - Renames data base element files in the user’s current mapset.

general, map management, rename

g.rename --help
g.rename [raster=from,to] [raster_3d=from,to] [vector=from,to] [label=from,to] [region=from,to] [group=from,to] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

raster map(s) to be renamed

3D raster map(s) to be renamed

vector map(s) to be renamed

paint label file(s) to be renamed

region definition(s) to be renamed

imagery group(s) to be renamed

g.rename allows the user to rename data base element files in the user’s current mapset. The user can specify all necessary information to g.rename on the command line, by specifying: the type of data base element to be renamed (one or more of: raster, raster_3d, vector, icon, labels, region, and group); the specific file element in the current mapset to be renamed (old); and the new name to be assigned to this file element (new) in the current mapset. The file element old is then renamed to new.

Users can also simply type g.rename --help without arguments on the command line, to receive a menu of existing data base element types and files from which to choose for possible renaming:

raster raster map(s) to be renamed
raster_3d 3D raster map(s) to be renamed
vector vector map(s) to be renamed
labels paint label file(s) to be renamed
region region definition(s) to be renamed
group imagery group(s) to be renamed

If a data base element has support files (e.g., as is commonly the case with raster maps), these support files also are renamed.

If the user attempts to rename a file to itself by setting the new file name equal to the old file name (e.g., g.rename raster=soils,soils), g.rename will not execute the rename, but instead state that no rename is needed. However, g.rename will allow the user to overwrite other existing files in the current mapset by making the new file name that of an already existing file.

For portability reasons, g.rename is ignoring case of names. To change the case of a map name, first rename the map to a name which differs by more than case, then rename it to the intended name.

# rename raster map
g.rename raster=oldrast,newrast
# rename vector map
g.rename vector=oldvect,newvect
# combined renaming
g.rename raster=oldrast,newrast vector=oldvect,newvect

g.copy, g.list, g.remove

Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Last changed: $Date: 2015-01-08 19:37:47 +0100 (Thu, 08 Jan 2015) $

Available at: g.rename source code (history)

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