DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / i.spectral.1grass.en
i.spectral(1grass) Grass User's Manual i.spectral(1grass)

i.spectral - Displays spectral response at user specified locations in group or images.

imagery, querying, raster, multispectral

i.spectral --help
i.spectral [-cgt] [group=name] [subgroup=name] [raster=name[,name,...]] coordinates=east,north[,east,north,...] [output=name] [format=string] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Show sampling coordinates instead of numbering in the legend

Use gnuplot for display

output to text file

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Name of input imagery group

Name of input imagery subgroup

Name of input raster map(s)


Name for output image (or text file for -t)

Graphics format for output file
Options: png, eps, svg
Default: png

i.spectral displays spectral response at user specified locations in images.

This script needs gnuplot to be installed.

Analysis of LANDSAT TM7 channels (North Carolina dataset):

g.region raster=lsat7_2002_10 -p
i.spectral -g input=lsat7_2002_10,lsat7_2002_20,lsat7_2002_30,lsat7_2002_40,lsat7_2002_50,lsat7_2002_70 \


Spectral plot of 3 different land cover types: (1) water, (2) green vegetation, and (3) highway

North Carolina sample dataset:

g.region raster=lsat7_2002_10 -p
LIST=`g.list type=raster pattern="lsat7_2002_[1-5,7]0" separator=","`
i.spectral input=$LIST coordinates=637502.25,221744.25
This will search all LANDSAT map for 2002 but select only the B, G, R, NIR, and MIR channels.

d.where, r.what

Markus Neteler
Francesco Pirotti

Last changed: $Date: 2014-12-27 00:33:06 +0100 (Sat, 27 Dec 2014) $

Available at: i.spectral source code (history)

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GRASS 7.6.0