DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / m.nviz.image.1grass.en
m.nviz.image(1grass) Grass User's Manual m.nviz.image(1grass)

m.nviz.image - Creates a 3D rendering of GIS data.
Renders surfaces (raster data), 2D/3D vector data, and volumes (3D raster data) in 3D.

miscellaneous, visualization, graphics, raster, vector, raster3d

m.nviz.image --help
m.nviz.image [-anb] [elevation_map=name[,name,...]] [elevation_value=value[,value,...]] [color_map=name[,name,...]] [color=name[,name,...]] [mask_map=name[,name,...]] [transparency_map=name[,name,...]] [transparency_value=value[,value,...]] [shininess_map=name[,name,...]] [shininess_value=value[,value,...]] [emission_map=name[,name,...]] [emission_value=value[,value,...]] [mode=string[,string,...]] [resolution_fine=value[,value,...]] [resolution_coarse=value[,value,...]] [style=string[,string,...]] [shading=string[,string,...]] [wire_color=name[,name,...]] [surface_position=x,y,z[,x,y,z,...]] [vline=name[,name,...]] [vline_layer=string[,string,...]] [vline_width=value[,value,...]] [vline_width_column=name[,name,...]] [vline_color=name[,name,...]] [vline_color_column=name[,name,...]] [vline_mode=string[,string,...]] [vline_height=value[,value,...]] [vline_position=x,y,z[,x,y,z,...]] [vpoint=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_layer=string[,string,...]] [vpoint_size=value[,value,...]] [vpoint_size_column=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_width=value[,value,...]] [vpoint_width_column=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_color=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_color_column=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_marker=string[,string,...]] [vpoint_marker_column=name[,name,...]] [vpoint_mode=string[,string,...]] [vpoint_position=x,y,z[,x,y,z,...]] [volume=name[,name,...]] [volume_mode=string[,string,...]] [volume_shading=string[,string,...]] [volume_position=x,y,z[,x,y,z,...]] [volume_resolution=value[,value,...]] [isosurf_level=volume:value[,volume:value,...]] [isosurf_color_map=name[,name,...]] [isosurf_color_value=name[,name,...]] [isosurf_transparency_map=name[,name,...]] [isosurf_transparency_value=value[,value,...]] [isosurf_shininess_map=name[,name,...]] [isosurf_shininess_value=value[,value,...]] [slice=volume:axis[,volume:axis,...]] [slice_position=x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2[,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,...]] [slice_transparency=value[,value,...]] [bgcolor=name] [position=x,y] [height=value] [perspective=value] [twist=value] [zexag=value] [focus=x,y,z] [light_position=x,y,z] [light_color=name] [light_brightness=integer] [light_ambient=integer] [fringe=string[,string,...]] [fringe_color=name] [fringe_elevation=integer] [cplane=value[,value,...]] [cplane_position=x,y,z[,x,y,z,...]] [cplane_rotation=value[,value,...]] [cplane_tilt=value[,value,...]] [cplane_shading=string] [arrow_position=x,y] [arrow_size=value] [arrow_color=name] output=name format=string size=width,height [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Use draw mode for all loaded surfaces

Toggles normal direction of all isosurfaces (changes light effect)

Draw volume box

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Name of raster map(s) for elevation

Constant elevation value(s) to use instead of a raster DEM

Name of raster map(s) for color

Color value(s)
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet

Name of raster map(s) for mask

Name of raster map(s) for transparency

Transparency value(s)
Options: 0-255

Name of raster map(s) for shininess

Shininess value(s)
Options: 0-255

Name of raster map(s) for emission

Emission value(s)
Options: 0-255

Draw mode
Options: coarse, fine, both
Default: fine

Fine resolution
Default: 6

Coarse resolution
Default: 9

Draw style
Options: wire, surface
Default: surface

Options: flat, gouraud
Default: gouraud

Wire color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: 136:136:136

Surface position
Default: 0,0,0

Name of vector map
Name of line vector overlay map(s)

Layer number or name
Layer number or name for thematic mapping
Default: 1

Vector line width
Options: 1-100
Default: 2

Name of width definition column
Name of attribute column

Vector line color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: blue

Name of color definition column
Name of attribute column

Vector line display mode
Options: surface, flat
Default: surface
surface: drape on raster surface
flat: draw at constant elevation

Vector line height
Options: 0-1000
Default: 0

Vector lines position
Default: 0,0,0

Name of vector map
Name of point vector overlay map(s)

Layer number or name
Layer number or name for thematic mapping
Default: 1

Icon size (map units)
Options: 0-1000
Default: 100

Name of size definition column
Name of attribute column

Icon width
Options: 1-1000
Default: 2

Name of width definition column
Name of attribute column

Icon color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: blue

Name of color definition column
Name of attribute column

Icon marker
Options: x, box, sphere, cube, diamond, dec_tree, con_tree, aster, gyro, histogram
Default: sphere

Name of marker definition column
Name of attribute column

3D vector point display mode
Options: surface, 3D
Default: 3D
surface: drape on raster surface
3D: place at 3D point’s z-elevation

Vector points position
Default: 0,0,0

Name of 3D raster map(s)

Volume draw mode
Options: isosurface, slice
Default: isosurface

Volume shading
Options: flat, gouraud
Default: gouraud

Volume position
Default: 0,0,0

Volume resolution
Default: 3

Isosurface level

Name of volume for isosurface color

Isosurface color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet

Name of 3D raster map(s) for isosurface transparency

Transparency value(s)for isosurfaces
Options: 0-255

Name of 3D raster map(s) for shininess

Shininess value(s) for isosurfaces
Options: 0-255

Volume slice parallel to given axis (x, y, z)

Volume slice position
Default: 0,1,0,1,0,1

Volume slice transparency
Options: 0-255
Default: 0

Background color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: white

Viewpoint position (x,y model coordinates)
Options: 0.0-1.0
Default: 0.84,0.16

Viewpoint height (in map units)

Viewpoint field of view (in degrees)
Options: 1-180
Default: 40

Viewpoint twist angle (in degrees)
Options: -180-180
Default: 0

Vertical exaggeration

Focus to point on surface (from SW corner in map units)

Light position (x,y,z model coordinates)
Default: 0.68,-0.68,0.80

Light color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: white

Light brightness
Options: 0-100
Default: 80

Light ambient
Options: 0-100
Default: 20

Fringe edges
Options: nw, ne, sw, se
nw: North-West edge
ne: North-East edge
sw: South-West edge
se: South-East edge

Fringe color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: grey

Fringe elevation
Default: 55

Cutting plane index (0-5)

Cutting plane x,y,z coordinates
Default: 0,0,0

Cutting plane rotation along the vertical axis
Options: 0-360
Default: 0

Cutting plane tilt
Options: 0-360
Default: 0

Cutting plane color (between two surfaces)
Options: clear, top, bottom, blend, shaded
Default: clear

Place north arrow at given position (in screen coordinates from bottom left corner)

North arrow size (in map units)

North arrow color
Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet
Default: black

Name for output image file (without extension)

Graphics file format
Options: ppm, tif
Default: ppm

Size (width, height) of output image
Default: 640,480

m.nviz.image allows users to realistically render multiple surfaces (raster data) in a 3D space, optionally using thematic coloring, draping 2D vector data over the surfaces, displaying 3D vector data in the space, and visualization of volume data (3D raster data) from the command line.

Render elevation map in a 3D space.

g.region raster=elevation
m.nviz.image elevation_map=elevation output=elev perspective=15

wxGUI 3D viewer

Martin Landa, Google Summer of Code 2008 (mentor: Michael Barton) and Google Summer of Code 2010 (mentor: Helena Mitasova)
Anna Kratochvilova, Google Summer of Code 2011 (mentor: Martin Landa)

Last changed: $Date: 2014-12-19 22:17:36 +0100 (Fri, 19 Dec 2014) $

Available at: m.nviz.image source code (history)

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