DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / parser_standard_options.1grass.en
parser_standard_options(1grass) Grass User's Manual parser_standard_options(1grass)

option answer description descriptions gisprompt key key_desc label multiple options required type
G_OPT_DB_SQL Example: select * from towns where population > 10000 sql sql_query SQL SELECT statement NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_WHERE Example: income < 1000 and population >= 10000 old,sql_query,sql_query where sql_query WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_TABLE Name of attribute table old,dbtable,dbtable table name NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_DRIVER Name of database driver old,dbdriver,dbdriver driver name NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_DATABASE Name of database old,dbname,dbname database name NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_SCHEMA Do not use this option if schemas are not supported by driver/database server schema name Database schema NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_COLUMN Name of attribute column old,dbcolumn,dbcolumn column name NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_COLUMNS Name of attribute column(s old,dbcolumn,dbcolumn columns name YES NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_DB_KEYCOLUMN GV_KEY_COLUMN Must refer to an integer column key name Name of key column NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_I_GROUP Name of input imagery group old,group,group group name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_I_SUBGROUP Name of input imagery subgroup old,subgroup,subgroup subgroup name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_INPUT Name of input raster map old,cell,raster input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_INPUTS Name of input raster map(s old,cell,raster input name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_OUTPUT Name for output raster map new,cell,raster output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_OUTPUTS Name for output raster map(s new,cell,raster output name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_MAP Name of raster map old,cell,raster map name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_MAPS Name of raster map(s old,cell,raster map name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_BASE Name of base raster map old,cell,raster base name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_COVER Name of cover raster map old,cell,raster cover name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_ELEV Name of input elevation raster map old,cell,raster elevation name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_ELEVS Name of input elevation raster map(s old,cell,raster elevation name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_TYPE Storage type for resultant raster map type Type of raster map to be created NO CELL,FCELL,DCELL YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_INTERP_TYPE Sampling interpolation method method nearest,bilinear,bicubic NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_BASENAME_INPUT Name of input basename raster map(s old,cell,raster input basename NO YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R_BASENAME_OUTPUT Name for output basename raster map(s new,cell,raster output basename NO YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_INPUT Name of input 3D raster map old,grid3,raster_3d input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_INPUTS Name of input 3D raster map(s old,grid3,raster_3d input name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_OUTPUT Name for output 3D raster map new,grid3,raster_3d output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_MAP Name of 3D raster map old,grid3,raster_3d map name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_MAPS Name of 3D raster map(s old,grid3,raster_3d map name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_TYPE default Data type used in the output raster3d map type NO default,double,float NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_PRECISION default Number of digits used as mantissa in the internal map storage, 0 -23 for float, 0 - 52 for double, max or default precision NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_COMPRESSION default The compression method used in the output raster3d map compression NO default,zip,none NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_R3_TILE_DIMENSION default The dimensions of the tiles used in the output raster3d map (XxYxZ or default: 16x16x8 tiledimension XxYxZ NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_INPUT Or data source for direct OGR access old,vector,vector input name Name of input vector map YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_INPUTS Or data source(s) for direct OGR access old,vector,vector input name Name of input vector map(s YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_OUTPUT Name for output vector map new,vector,vector output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_MAP Or data source for direct OGR access old,vector,vector map name Name of vector map YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_MAPS Name of vector map(s old,vector,vector map name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_TYPE point,line,boundary,centroid,area Input feature type type YES point,line,boundary,centroid,area NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V3_TYPE point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face,kernel Input feature type type YES point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face,kernel NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_FIELD 1 Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name. old,layer,layer layer Layer number or name NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_FIELD_ALL -1 A single vector map can be connected to multiple database tables. This number determines which table to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name. old,layer_all,layer layer Layer number or name (’-1’ for all layers NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_CAT Category value old,cat,cats cat NO TYPE_INTEGER
G_OPT_V_CATS Example: 1,3,7-9,13 old,cats,cats cats range Category values NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_V_IDS Example: 1,3,7-9,13 ids range Feature ids NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_F_INPUT Name of input file old,file,file input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT Name of input file old,bin,file input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_F_OUTPUT Name for output file new,file,file output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_F_SEP pipe Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline old,separator,separator separator character Field separator NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_C DEFAULT_FG_COLOR Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet old,color,color color name Color NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_CN DEFAULT_FG_COLOR Either a standard color name, R:G:B triplet, or \none\ old,color_none,color color name Color NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_DIR Name of input directory old,dir,dir input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_UNITS Units units NO miles,feet,meters,kilometers,acres,hectares NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_DATATYPE Data type(s type datatype YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_MAPSET ’.’ for current mapset old,mapset,mapset mapset name Name of mapset (default: current search path NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_LOCATION Location name (not location path old,location,location location name Location name NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_DBASE Default: path to the current GRASS GIS database old,dbase,dbase dbase path GRASS GIS database directory NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_COORDS Coordinates old,coords,coords coordinates east,north NO NO TYPE_DOUBLE
G_OPT_M_COLR Name of color table G_color_rules_description_type( old,colortable,colortable color style G_color_rules_options( NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_NULL_VALUE String representing NULL value null_value string NO NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_M_REGION Name of saved region old,windows,region region name NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STDS_INPUT Name of the input space time dataset old,stds,stds input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STDS_INPUTS Name of the input space time datasets old,stds,stds inputs name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STDS_OUTPUT Name of the output space time dataset new,stds,stds output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STRDS_INPUT Name of the input space time raster dataset old,strds,strds input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STRDS_INPUTS Name of the input space time raster datasets old,strds,strds inputs name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STRDS_OUTPUT Name of the output space time raster dataset new,strds,strds output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STVDS_INPUT Name of the input space time vector dataset old,stvds,stvds input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STVDS_INPUTS Name of the input space time vector datasets old,stvds,stvds inputs name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STVDS_OUTPUT Name of the output space time vector dataset new,stvds,stvds output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUT Name of the input space time raster3d dataset old,str3ds,str3ds input name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUTS Name of the input space time raster3d datasets old,str3ds,str3ds inputs name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STR3DS_OUTPUT Name of the output space time raster3d dataset new,str3ds,str3ds output name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_STDS_TYPE strds Type of the input space time dataset type name strds,stvds,str3ds NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_MAP_INPUT Name of the input map old,map,map map name YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_MAP_INPUTS Name of the input maps old,map,map maps name YES YES TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_MAP_TYPE raster Type of the input map type name raster,vector,raster_3d NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_T_TYPE absolute The temporal type of the space time dataset temporaltype name absolute,relative NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_T_WHERE Example: start_time > ’2001-01-01 12:30:00’ where sql_query WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword used in the temporal GIS framework NO TYPE_STRING
G_OPT_T_SAMPLE start The method to be used for sampling the input dataset sampling name YES start,during,overlap,contain,equal,follows,precedes NO TYPE_STRING

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GRASS 7.6.0