DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / r.region.1grass.en
r.region(1grass) Grass User's Manual r.region(1grass)

r.region - Sets the boundary definitions for a raster map.

raster, metadata

r.region --help
r.region [-cda] map=name [region=name] [raster=name] [vector=name] [n=value] [s=value] [e=value] [w=value] [align=name] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Set from current region

Set from default region

Auto-adjustment for lat/lon
Attempt to fix small precision errors in resolution and extents

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Name of raster map to change

Set region from named region

Set region to match this raster map

Name of vector map
Set region to match this vector map

Value for the northern edge

Value for the southern edge

Value for the eastern edge

Value for the western edge

Raster map to align to

The r.region program allows the user to manage the boundaries of a raster map. These boundaries can be set by the user directly and/or set from a region definition file (stored under the windows directory in the user’s current mapset), a raster or vector map, or a 3dview file.

The align parameter sets the current resolution equal to that of the named raster map, and align the boundaries to a row and column edge in the named map. Alignment only moves the existing boundaries outward to the edges of the next nearest cell in the named raster map -- not to the named map’s edges. To perform the latter function, use the raster=name option.

After all updates have been applied, the raster map’s resolution settings are recomputed from the boundaries and the number of rows and columns in the raster map.

The n=value may also be specified as a function of its current value: n=n+value increases the current northing, while n=n-value decreases it. This is also true for s=value, e=value, and w=value.

Assign absolute coordinates to map:

r.region map=mymap n=220750 s=220000 w=638300 e=639000

Shift map (using offset, here by 100 map units in two directions):

r.region map=mymap n=n+100 e=e+100 w=w+100 s=s+100, g.region, v.transform

Glynn Clements
Based upon g.region

Last changed: $Date: 2015-08-07 05:24:55 +0200 (Fri, 07 Aug 2015) $

Available at: r.region source code (history)

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