DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / Grass User's Manual - Computes vertex connectivity between two sets of nodes in the network.

vector, network, connectivity --help input=name [arc_layer=string] [node_layer=string] [arc_column=name] [arc_backward_column=name] output=name [node_column=name] [set1_cats=range] [set1_where=sql_query] [set2_cats=range] [set2_where=sql_query] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Name of input vector map
Or data source for direct OGR access

Arc layer
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 1

Node layer
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 2

Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)

Arc backward direction cost column (number)

Name for output vector map

Node cost column (number)

Set1 category values
Example: 1,3,7-9,13

Set1 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword
Example: income < 1000 and population >= 10000

Category values
Set2 category values

Set2 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword
Example: income < 1000 and population >= 10000 computes vertex connectivity between two sets, i.e. the minimum number of vertices whose removal would separate two given sets.

Two sets (set1 and set2) are specified by respective layer, where and cats parameters. Similarly to module, capacities of nodes can be given by node_column option. finds the set of nodes of minimum total capacitiy separating the two given sets and outputs map containing points on the positions of these nodes. Default capacity, which is used when no column is specified, is one.

The following command finds the minimum number of intersections separating roads on the left bank from roads on the right bank. input=roads output=roads_conn set1_where="bank=left" \

set2_where="bank=right" input=airtraffic output=connectivity \

set1_where="name=JFK" set2_where="name=Heathrow" node_column=capacity,,

Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student
Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor

Last changed: $Date: 2014-12-24 14:28:25 +0100 (Wed, 24 Dec 2014) $

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