DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / v.timestamp.1grass.en
v.timestamp(1grass) Grass User's Manual v.timestamp(1grass)

v.timestamp - Modifies a timestamp for a vector map.
Print/add/remove a timestamp for a vector map.

vector, metadata, timestamp, time

v.timestamp --help
v.timestamp map=name [layer=string] [date=timestamp] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Name of vector map
Or data source for direct OGR access

Layer number or name
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 1

Datetime, datetime1/datetime2, or ’none’ to remove
Format: ’15 jan 1994’ (absolute) or ’2 years’ (relative)

This command has 2 modes of operation. If no date argument is supplied, then the current timestamp for the vector map is printed. If a date argument is specified, then the timestamp for the vector map is set to the specified date(s). See examples below.

See TIMESTAMP FORMAT description for details.

Strings containing spaces should be quoted. For specifying a range of time, the two timestamps should be separated by a forward slash. To remove the timestamp from a vector map, use date=none.

Prints the timestamp for the "lidar" vector map. If there is no timestamp for "lidar", nothing is printed. If there is a timestamp, one or two time strings are printed, depending on if the timestamp for the map consists of a single date or two dates (ie start and end dates).

v.timestamp map=lidar

Sets the timestamp for "lidar" to the single date "15 sep 1987".

v.timestamp map=lidar date=’15 sep 1987’

Sets the timestamp for "lidar" to have the start date "15 sep 1987" and the end date "20 feb 1988".

v.timestamp map=lidar date=’15 sep 1987/20 feb 1988’

Removes the timestamp for the "lidar" vector map.

v.timestamp map=lidar date=none

Spaces in the timestamp value are required., r.timestamp, r3.timestamp

Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Last changed: $Date: 2016-08-22 15:22:27 +0200 (Mon, 22 Aug 2016) $

Available at: v.timestamp source code (history)

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