DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / graywolf / graywolf.1.en

graywolf - placement tool for digital VLSI design

graywolf [options] designName [windowId] [flowdirectory]

This is a utility used to perform placement of digital VLSI designs. It is based on some code from the early 90s and it is one of the building blocks of the open source qflow digital design flow.

no graphics
prints debug info and performs extensive error checking
general mode
pick mode
parasite mode will inherit a window

Typically, you would be in a directory with a [DESIGN].cel file and a [DESIGN].par file and then run:

graywolf [DESIGN]
where [DESIGN] is the file name of the design. More information about the input and output files is found below.

However, it is recommended to use the qflow digital design flow instead of running graywolf directly. qflow prepares the input files from standardized files, and converts the output to standardized files.

Two input files are necessary to run graywolf. A .cel file containing the design, and a .par file containing the parameters which define the technology. The .cel file may be created from a .blif design file and a .lef library file with the script "blif2cel.tcl" in the qflow package.

The main output from graywolf is a .pl1 file containing the layout of the design. This may be converted to a .def file using the script "place2def.tcl" in the qflow package. A .def file is a standardized description of a layout.


This manual page was written by Ruben Undheim <> for the Debian project (and may be used by others).

11 October 2015