DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / httest / htntlm.1.en
HTNTLM(1) User Commands HTNTLM(1)

htntlm - read/write NTLM message

htntlm [OPTIONS]

htntlm is used to read, generate and inspect NTLM messages.

Print version number and exit
Display usage information (this message)
read a NTLM base64 encoded message
write a NTLM base64 encoded message
print in a readable manner
print debug information
NTLM message type 1, 2 or 3
Domain name
Workstation name
Workstation name
OS Version
Target name
DNS domain name
DNS server name
Target info as provided in NTLM type 2 message base64 encoded, need for NTLMv2
User name
Challenge in hex notation

-c --client-challengeClient challenge in hex notation, default is a random

Context in hex notation
Session Key
response type space separated: lm ntlm lm2 ntlm2 ntlm2-session
transmit user, workstation, ... as unicode strings
Space separated NTLM flags neg-unicode:
supported for use in security buffer data.
Indicates that OEM strings are supported for use in security buffer data.
Requests that the server's authentication realm be included in the Type 2 message.
Specifies that authenticated communication between the client and server should carry a digital signature (message integrity).
Specifies that authenticated communication between the client and server should be encrypted (message confidentiality).
Indicates that datagram authentication is being used.
Indicates that the Lan Manager Session Key should be used for signing and sealing authenticated communications.
This flag's usage has not been identified.
Indicates that NTLM authentication is being used.
Sent by the client in the Type 3 message to indicate that an anonymous context has been established. This also affects the response fields.
Sent by the client in the Type 1 message to indicate that the name of the domain in which the client workstation has membership is included in the message. This is used by the server to determine whether the client is eligible for local authentication.
Sent by the client in the Type 1 message to indicate that the client workstation's name is included in the message. This is used by the server to determine whether the client is eligible for local authentication.
Sent by the server to indicate that the server and client are on the same machine. Implies that the client may use the established local credentials for authentication instead of calculating a response to the challenge.
Indicates that authenticated communication between the client and server should be signed with a "dummy" signature.
Sent by the server in the Type 2 message to indicate that the target authentication realm is a domain.
Sent by the server in the Type 2 message to indicate that the target authentication realm is a server.
Sent by the server in the Type 2 message to indicate that the target authentication realm is a share. Presumably, this is for share-level authentication. Usage is unclear.
Indicates that the NTLM2 signing and sealing scheme should be used for protecting authenticated communications. Note that this refers to a particular session security scheme, and is not related to the use of NTLMv2 authentication. This flag can, however, have an effect on the response calculations
This flag's usage has not been identified
This flag's usage has not been identified
This flag's usage has not been identified
Sent by the server in the Type 2 message to indicate that it is including a Target Information block in the message. The Target Information block is used in the calculation of the NTLMv2 response.
Indicates that 128-bit encryption is supported.
Indicates that the client will provide an encrypted master key in the "Session Key" field of the Type 3 message.
Indicates that 56-bit encryption is supported.

Written by Christian Liesch

Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

December 2018 htntlm 2.4.23