DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / iconx / iconx.1.en
ICON(1) General Commands Manual ICON(1)

icon - execute Icon program

icon sourcefile [ arg ... ]
icon -P 'program' [ arg ... ]

Icon is a simple interface for executing programs written in the Icon programming language. The source code is translated and linked, then executed with the given list of arguments.

Without -P, a single source file is read; its name must be given exactly and need not end in .icn. A sourcefile name of - reads the source code from standard input.

With -P, a small program can be embedded within a larger shell script. In this case the program argument is a complete Icon program, typically given as a multi-line quoted string.

Translation and linking is silent, suppressing progress messages, and undeclared identifiers are diagnosed. This mirrors the behavior of the icont command when run with -s and -u options.

An Icon source file can be made directly executable by setting the appropriate permission bits and beginning it with a shell header. If the first line of the file is
#!/usr/bin/env icon
then icon is found on the command search path and called to process the program upon execution.

The environment variables described under icont(1) can also be used with the icon command. Normally, none of these are needed.

icont(1), the full-featured interface supporting separate compilation, multiple source files, and other features.

The Icon Programming Language. Griswold and Griswold, Peer-to-Peer, third edition, 1996.

Graphics Programming in Icon. Griswold, Jeffery, and Townsend, Peer-to-Peer, 1998.

Version 9.4.3 of Icon.

9 August 2005 University of Arizona