DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / ip2host / ip2host.1.en
IP2HOST(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation IP2HOST(1)

  ip2host - Resolves IPs to hostnames in web server logs

  ip2host [OPTIONS] [cache_file] < infile > outfile
  infile  - Web server log file.
  outfile - Same as input file, but with IPs resolved to hostnames.        
  --children=...  Number of child processes to spawn (default: 40)
  --timeout=...   Seconds to wait on DNS response (default: 20)
  --buffer=...    Maximum number of log lines to keep in
                  memory (default: 50000)
  --flush=...     Number of lines to process before flushing
                  output buffer (default: 500)
  --cache=...     Filename to use as disk cache (default: none)
  --ttl=...       Number of seconds before IPs cached on disk are expired
                  (default: 604800 - One week)
  --ipv6          Match IPv6 addresses too
  --regex=...     Perl regular expression to match IP

This is a faster, drop-in replacement for the logresolve utility distributed with the Apache web server.

It's been reported to work under Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Tru64, and IRIX.

Maurice Aubrey <>

Based on the script by Rob Hartill.

Copyright 1999-2012, Maurice Aubrey <>.

This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Resolves IPs to hostnames in web server logs. This is a faster, drop-in replacement for the logresolve utility distributed with the Apache web server.


2013-06-13 perl v5.14.2