DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / iproute2 / tc-taprio.8.en

TAPRIO - Time Aware Priority Shaper

tc qdisc ... dev dev parent classid [ handle major: ] taprio num_tc tcs map P0 P1 P2 ... queues count1@offset1 count2@offset2 ... base-time base-time clockid clockid sched-entry <command 1> <gate mask 1> <interval 1> sched-entry <command 2> <gate mask 2> <interval 2> sched-entry <command 3> <gate mask 3> <interval 3> sched-entry <command N> <gate mask N> <interval N>

The TAPRIO qdisc implements a simplified version of the scheduling state machine defined by IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Section 8.6.9, which allows configuration of a sequence of gate states, where each gate state allows outgoing traffic for a subset (potentially empty) of traffic classes.

How traffic is mapped to different hardware queues is similar to mqprio(8) and so the map and parameters have the same meaning.

The other parameters specify the schedule, and at what point in time it should start (it can behave as the schedule started in the past).

Number of traffic classes to use. Up to 16 classes supported.

The priority to traffic class map. Maps priorities 0..15 to a specified traffic class. See mqprio(8) for more details.

Provide count and offset of queue range for each traffic class. In the format, count@offset. Queue ranges for each traffic classes cannot overlap and must be a contiguous range of queues.

Specifies the instant in nanoseconds, using the reference of clockid, defining the time when the schedule starts. If 'base-time' is a time in the past, the schedule will start at

base-time + (N * cycle-time)

where N is the smallest integer so the resulting time is greater than "now", and "cycle-time" is the sum of all the intervals of the entries in the schedule;

Specifies the clock to be used by qdisc's internal timer for measuring time and scheduling events.

There may multiple sched-entry parameters in a single schedule. Each one has the

sched-entry <command> <gatemask> <interval>

format. The only supported <command> is "S", which means "SetGateStates", following the IEEE 802.1Q-2018 definition (Table 8-7). <gate mask> is a bitmask where each bit is a associated with a traffic class, so bit 0 (the least significant bit) being "on" means that traffic class 0 is "active" for that schedule entry. <interval> is a time duration, in nanoseconds, that specifies for how long that state defined by <command> and <gate mask> should be held before moving to the next entry.

The following example shows how an traffic schedule with three traffic classes ("num_tc 3"), which are separated different traffic classes, we are going to call these TC 0, TC 1 and TC 2. We could read the "map" parameter below as: traffic with priority 3 is classified as TC 0, priority 2 is classified as TC 1 and the rest is classified as TC 2.

The schedule will start at instant 1528743495910289987 using the reference CLOCK_TAI. The schedule is composed of three entries each of 300us duration.

# tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent root handle 100 taprio \

num_tc 3 \
map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 \
queues 1@0 1@1 2@2 \
base-time 1528743495910289987 \
sched-entry S 01 300000 \
sched-entry S 02 300000 \
sched-entry S 04 300000 \
clockid CLOCK_TAI

Vinicius Costa Gomes <>

25 Sept 2018 iproute2