DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / keyman / km-kvk2ldml.1.en
KM-KVK2LDML(1) User Commands KM-KVK2LDML(1)

km-kvk2ldml - Convert a Keyman on-screen keyboard file to LDML

usage: km-kvk2ldml [-h] [-p] [-k] [-o LDMLFILE] [--version] [-v] [-vv] kvkfile

Convert a Keyman kvk on-screen keyboard file to an LDML file. Optionally print the details of the kvk file.

kvk file

show this help message and exit
print kvk details
if printing also print all keys
output LDML file location
show program's version number and exit
verbose logging
very verbose logging


November 2018 km-kvk2ldml version