DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / kmc / kmc_dump.1.en
KMC_DUMP(1) kmc_dump KMC_DUMP(1)

kmc_dump - list k-mers from kmc-generated database

KMC's end product is a database of k-mers stored in compact binary form. The kmc_dump program allows the production of a textual list of k-mers together with their counters for the analysis ran

kmc_dump [options] <kmc_database> <output_file>

-ci<value> - print k-mers occurring less than <value> times

-cx<value> - print k-mers occurring more of than <value> times


<kmc_database> - kmer_counter's output

kmc_dump was originally written by:

Sebastian Deorowicz (

Marek Kokot

Szymon Grabowski

Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz

KMC is a free software distributed under GNU GPL3 licence for academic, research, and commercial use.

November 2018 KMC dump ver. 2.3.0 (2015-08-21)