DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / konclude / Konclude.1.en
KONCLUDE(1) User Commands KONCLUDE(1)

Konclude - Reasoner for the SROIQV(D) Description Logic

Konclude <command> [parameters]

Processes an OWLlink request file, which has to be specified with the parameter -i.
Listening on the specified port (default 8080) for OWLlink requests sent over HTTP.
Classifies the ontology that is specified with the parameter -i.
Checks the consistency of the ontology that is specified with the parameter -i.
Checks the satisfiability of the class that is specified with -x for the ontology specified with -i.
Realizes the ontology that is specified with -i (or only a certain individual that is specified with -x).

Configures the number of processing threads. X has to be an integer greater than 0 or 'AUTO' for
scaling the number of processing threads to the number of computer cores.
Path and file name of the config file.
Path and file name of the input file / OWLlink request file.
Path and file name of the output file / OWLlink response file.
IRI of the input entity.
Specifies PORT as the listening port for the OWLlink server.
Periodically prints the progress of the current activities.
Shows more detailed loading and processing times.
Shows this help (dominates all previous parameters).

Konclude owllinkfile -i Tests/test-request.xml -o test-response.xml

Konclude owllinkfile -c Configs/default-config.xml -i Tests/test-request.xml -o test-response.xml

Konclude owllinkserver -w 2 -c Configs/default-config.xml -p 8080

Konclude satisfiability -i Tests/galen.owl.xml -x http://ex.test/galen#ExternalIliacVein

Konclude classification -w AUTO -i Tests/roberts-family-full-D.owl.xml -o Tests/roberts-family-full-D-class.owl.xml

Konclude realization -w AUTO -i Tests/roberts-family-full-D.owl.xml -o Tests/roberts-family-full-D-real.owl.xml

May 2019 Konclude <command> [parameters]