DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / kopano-ical / kopano-ical.8.en
KOPANO-ICAL(8) Kopano Core user reference KOPANO-ICAL(8)

kopano-ical - Start the Kopano ICal/CalDAV gateway.

kopano-ical [OPTION...]

The iCal/CalDAV gateway enables users to retrieve their calendar using iCalendar compliant clients. The iCal/CalDAV gateway can be configured to listen for HTTP and HTTPS requests.

The default settings of the gateway program are defined in kopano-ical.cfg(5).

Various options are possible. None of these options are required.

--config, -c ical.cfg

Specify the location of the ical.cfg file. If the ical.cfg file is not specified, the gateway will continue using its default settings.

Default: /etc/kopano/ical.cfg


Displays the values of gateway.cfg configuration parameters and the implied defaults.

--help, -h

Shows the help message of the iCal/CalDAV gateway.

--foreground, -F

Run in the foreground. Normally the gateway will daemonize and run in the background.

The following signals can be sent to the kopano-ical process:


When the HUP signal is received, some options from the configuration file are reloaded. The reloadable options are listed in the kopano-ical.cfg(5) manual page.

Also, when using log_method = file, the logfile will be closed and a new logfile will be opened. You can use this signal in your logrotate system.


To gracefully let the service exit, the normal TERM signal is used.

To start the iCal/CalDAV gateway:


The iCal/CalDAV gateway process will keep running. You may also use the init.d scripts:

/etc/init.d/kopano-ical [start| stop| restart]

Written by Kopano.

kopano-ical.cfg(5), kopano-server(8)

November 2016 Kopano 8