DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / kopano-server / kopano-server.cfg.5.en
KOPANO-SERVER.CFG(5) Kopano Core user reference KOPANO-SERVER.CFG(5)

kopano-server.cfg - The Kopano configuration file


The server.cfg is a configuration file for the kopano-server process. server.cfg contains instructions for the software to set up the database environment, logging system and user backend.

The file consists of one big section, but parameters can be grouped by functionality.

The parameters are written in the form:

name = value

The file is line-based. Each newline-terminated line represents either a comment, nothing, a parameter or a directive. A line beginning with `#' is considered a comment, and will be ignored by Kopano. Parameter names are case sensitive. Lines beginning with `!' are directives.

Directives are written in the form:

!directive [argument(s)]

The following directives exist:


Include and process argument

Example: !include common.cfg

A space-separated list of address:port specifiers for where the server should listen for unencrypted connections. IPv6 addresses need to be enclosed in brackets (as in [2001:db8::1]:236), and the asterisk is the multi-protocol address wildcard.

Enable Unix pipe connections. Should not be disabled.

Default: yes

TCP and SSL receive timeout in seconds. This is the time that a TCP connection may be idle (between requests) before the TCP connection is closed from the server. Settings this high makes it less necessary for clients to re-connect, but increases the total number of concurrent open sockets in the server. You normally needn't change the default value.

Default: 5

TCP and SSL read timeout in seconds. The read timeout is the amount of time that the server will wait to read more data from a socket, after processing of the request has started. This needn't be changed in most cases.

Default: 60

TCP and SSL send timeout in seconds. The send timeout is the amount of time that the server will wait to write data to a socket, analogous to server_read_timeout.

Default: 60

Unix socket to listen on.

Default: /var/run/kopano/server.sock

Priority unix socket to listen on. This socket should only be used by prioritized services such as kopano-stats.

Default: /var/run/kopano/prio.sock

Unique name for identifying the server in a multi-server environment.

Default: Kopano

DNS name of the server. This is used for the Kerberos single sign-on environment. If empty (default), the FQDN or hostname will be used.


The database engine to use. Values can be:

Use MySQL.

Default: mysql

Named Unix users which connect through the unix socket (server_pipe_name) which are added here, those users will become the internal SYSTEM user in Kopano, and have administrative rights. Normally, this is only 'root', so the unix root user can use the kopano-admin tool. You can add a generic user to be used by the kopano-dagent here. This user is most likely called 'vmail'. Note that the field is SPACE separated.

Default: root

This is the e-mail address of the SYSTEM user. When people receive mail from the quota monitor, or receive fallback deliveries from the kopano-dagent, the From email address is this field. You might want to change this field so people can reply to this address.

Default: postmaster@localhost

After correctly starting, the server process will become this user, dropping root privileges. Note that the log file needs to be writeable by this user, and the directory too to create new logfiles after logrotation. This can also be achieved by setting the correct group and permissions.

Default value is empty, not changing the user after starting.

After correctly starting, the server process will become this group, dropping root privileges.

Default value is empty, not changing the group after starting.

Write the process ID number to this file. This is used by the init.d script to correctly stop/restart the service.

Default: /var/run/kopano/

Change directory to this path when running in daemonize mode. When using the -F switch to run in the foreground the directory will not be changed.

Default: /

When a crash occurs or an assertion fails, a coredump file can be generated by the system for use with a crash report. For details, see the kopano-coredump(5) manpage.

Default: yes

The session timeout specifies how many seconds must elapse without any activity from a client before the server counts the session as dead. The client sends keepalive requests every 60 seconds, so the session timeout can never be below 60. In fact, if you specify a timeout below 300, 300 will be taken as the session timeout instead. This makes sure you can never timeout your session while the Kopano client is running.

Setting the session timeout low will keep the session count and therefore the memory usage on the server low, but may also timeout sessions of client that have lost network connectivity temporarily. For example, some clients with powersaving modes will disable the ethernet card during the screensaver. When this happens, you must set the session_timeout to a value that is higher than the time that it takes for the network connection to come back. This could be anything ranging up to several hours.

Default: 300

Normally, a session is linked to an IP-address, so this check is enabled. You may want to disable this check when you have laptop's which can get multiple ip-adresses through wired and wireless networks. It is highly recommended to leave this check enabled, since the session id can be used by other machines, and thus introduces a large security risc. The session id is 64 bits.

Default: yes

If this option is set to 'yes', the internal group Everyone (which always contains all users) will be hidden from the Global Addressbook. Thus, users will not be able to send e-mail to this group anymore, and also will not be able to set access rights on folders for this group. Administrators will still be able to see and use the group.

Default: no

If this option is set to 'yes', the internal user SYSTEM will be hidden from the Global Addressbook. Thus, users will not be able to send e-mail to this user anymore. Administrators will still be able to see and use the user.

Default: yes

This setting allows one to preload a special library (such as an allocator). On startup, the server will set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable for itself and then re-execute itself to get it loaded with high priority. If this option is empty, the default system allocator (from libc) will be used instead, which is probably a better choice when debugging with gdb, valgrind or ASAN/UBSAN. The environment variable KC_ALLOCATOR_DONE may also be set to a non-empty value to disable re-exec.


The method which should be used for logging. Valid values are:

Use the syslog service. Messages will be sent using the "mail" facility tag. See also journald.conf(5) or syslog.conf(5).
Log to a file. The filename will be specified in log_file.
Autoselect mode: If log_file is set, that will be used. Else, syslog will be used if it looks like it is available. Else, stderr.

Default: auto

When logging to a file, specify the filename in this parameter. Use - (minus sign) for stderr output.

Default: -

The level of output for logging in the range from 0 to 6. "0" means no logging, "1" for critical messages only, "2" for error or worse, "3" for warning or worse, "4" for notice or worse, "5" for info or worse, "6" debug.

Default: 3

Extended logging per component is available for development and can be combined to log multiple components at the same time.

Component Value
SQL 0x00010000
USERPLUGIN 0x00020000
CACHE 0x00040000
USERCACHE 0x00080000
SOAP 0x00100000
ICS 0x00200000

Specify whether to prefix each log line with a timestamp in 'file' logging mode.

Default: 1

Buffer logging in what sized blocks. The special value 0 selects line buffering.

Default: 0

Whether the security logging feature should be enabled.

Default: no

The method which should be used for logging. Valid values are:

Use the Linux system log. All messages will be written to the authpriv facility. See also syslog.conf(5).
Log to a file. The filename will be specified in log_file.

Default: syslog

When logging to a file, specify the filename in this parameter. Use - (minus sign) for stderr output.

Default: -

The level of output for logging in the range from 0 to 1. 0 means no logging, 1 means full logging.

Default: 1

Specify whether to prefix each log line with a timestamp in 'file' logging mode.

Default: 1

The hostname of the MySQL server to use.

Default: localhost

The port of the MySQL server to use.

Default: 3306

The user under which we connect with MySQL.

Default: root

The password to use for MySQL. Leave empty for no password.


The socket of the MySQL server to use. This option can be used to override the default mysql socket. To use the socket, the mysql_host value must be empty or 'localhost'


The MySQL database to connect to.

Default: kopano

The MySQL engine to use. By default, this is InnoDB, which is the only officially supported database engine. Because Kopano Groupware Core relies on transactions, it is not advised to use a non-transactional engine such as MyISAM, Aria, etc.

Default: InnoDB

GROUP_CONCAT() is used to combine multiple rows into one string, used in Kopano in conjunction with distribution lists. Some versions of MySQL have a very low limit, and this option can be used to raise it. For example, MariaDB 10.0 has a default limit of 1024, MariaDB 10.2 has a default of 1048576.

Versions prior to KC 8.7 would always set this value; since 8.7, this option can only be used to raise it.

Default: 21844

The location where attachments are stored. This can be in the MySQL database, or as separate files. The drawback of 'database' is that the large data of attachment will push useful data from the MySQL cache. The drawback of separate files is that a mysqldump is not enough for a full disaster recovery.

Possible values: database, files, files_v2 (experimental), and, if built with libs3/AWS support, s3.

Default: files

When the attachment_storage option is 'files', this option sets the location of the attachments on disk. Note that the server runs as the 'run_as_user' user and 'run_as_group' group, which will require write access to this directory.

Default: /var/lib/kopano/attachments

When the attachment_storage option is 'files', this option controls the compression level for the attachments. Higher compression levels will compress data better, but at the cost of CPU usage. Lower compression levels will require less CPU but will compress data less. Setting the compression level to 0 will effectively disable compression completely.

Changing the compression level, or switching it on or off, will not affect any existing attachments, and will remain accessible as normal.

Set to 0 to disable compression completely. The maximum compression level is 9

Default: 6

When storing new attachments, this directive controls whether fsync(2) is to be called after the data has been placed into the file.

Default: yes

A space-separated list of address:port specifiers for where the server should listen for TLS connections, similar to the server_listen directive. The default value is empty, which means no ports will be listened on for TLS. When this option is used, you must set the SSL key options correctly, otherwise the server not start.

The file containing the private key and certificate. Please read the SSL section in the kopano-server(8) manual on how to create this file.

Default: /etc/kopano/ssl/server.pem

Enter your password here when your key file contains a password to be readable.

No default set.

The CA file which was used to sign client SSL certificates. This CA will be trusted. This value must be set for clients to login with an SSL Key. Their public key must be present in the sslkeys_path directory.

No default set.

When you have multiple CA's to trust, you may use this option. Set this to a directory which contains all your trusted CA certificates. The name of the certificate needs to be the hash of the certificate. You can get the hash value of the certificate with the following command:

openssl x509 -hash -noout -in cacert.pem 

Create a symbolic link to the certificate with the hashname like this:

ln -s cacert.pem `openssl x509 -hash -noout -in cacert.pem`.0 

If you have several certificates which result in the same hash, use .1, .2, etc. in the end of the filename.

No default set.

The path which contains public keys of clients which can login over SSL using their key. Please read the SSL section in the kopano-server(8) manual on how to create these files.

Default: /etc/kopano/sslkeys

A space-separated list of disabled or enabled protocol names. Supported protocol names depend on the system's SSL library; depending on version, one or more of the following are available: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, SSLv3, SSLv2. To disable a protocol, prefix the name with an exclamation mark.

Default: !SSLv2 !SSLv3 !TLSv1.0 !TLSv1.1

A colon-separated list of disabled or enabled SSL/TLS ciphers. Supported cipher names depend on the system's SSL library, and are generally plentiful. To disable a cipher or cipher group, prefix the name with a minus or exclamation mark. Details and meaning of the syntax are described in ciphers(1).

Default: DEFAULT:!LOW:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1.0:!TLSv1.1:!EXPORT:!DH:!PSK:!kRSA:!aDSS:!aNULL:+AES

In SSLv3 and newer, the server side gets to make the ultimate cipher pick out of the set that both ends support. In doing so, it can either use the client preference list, or, if this directive is set to "yes", its own list (as determined by ssl_cipher).

Default: yes

ECDH curves to use for SSL

Default: X25519:P-521:P-384:P-256

Number of server threads.

Default: 8

Watchdog frequency. The number of watchdog checks per second.

Default: 1

Watchdog max age. The maximum age in ms of a task before a new thread is started.

Default: 500

SOAP recv timeout value.

Default: 5

SOAP send timeout value.

Default: 60

Softdelete clean cycle, in days. 0 means never. Items older than this setting will be removed from the database.

Default: 0

Synchronization clean cycle, in days. 0 means never. Synchronizations older than this setting will be removed from the database.

Default: 90

When you configured your system for single sign-on, you can enable this by setting the value to yes. The server can autodetect between NTLM, Kerberos and OpenID Connect. For NTLM authentication you will need the ntlm_auth program from Samba. Please see the server installation manual on howto enable your system for single sign-on.

Default: no

Enables viewing of the Global Address Book (GAB) by users. Disabling the GAB will show an empty list in the GAB, which may be required for some installations. Resolving addresses is not affected by this option.

Users with administrator rights are also not affected by this option and always have access to the GAB.

Default: yes

If this directive is set to yes, the default content of (non-recursive) address book listings will be presented as empty, so that client programs will not load the entire address book until they have set or unset the table restriction.

Authentication is normally done in the user plugin, selectable with auth_method=plugin. In case your plugin cannot provide the authentication, you may set this to "pam", and set the pam_service to authenticate through pam. Another choice is "kerberos". The user password will be verified using the Kerberos service. Note that is not a single-signon method, since the server requires the user password.

Default: plugin

Normally, admin users are granted all permissions on all stores in the server, or for stores in the tenant's company (in multi-tenant mode). Enabling this option restricts permissions to folder operations: Folder viewing, folder creation and importantly, folder permissions. This means that an administrator can grant himself full permissions on a folder. However, in combination with auditing, it provides an extra level of security protection against unwanted access.

Note that some applications may require full access to all stores, which would be restricted by this option. Also, this option cannot be reset by sending a HUP signal, so a full server restart is required to change the setting.

Default: no

Defines the number of attachment-in-attachment-in-attachment levels allowed when saving and replicating a MAPI object. This limit can be made higher if needed, but will also require you to increase the stack_size in mysql to allow for correct exporting for replication.

Default: no

This is the PAM service name. PAM services can be found in /etc/pam.d/. When choosing a PAM service which is configured to use a plugin - such as pam_unix - doing direct file I/O to e.g. /etc/shadow, kopano-server will need to be run with a suitable run_as_group/run_as_user values or otherwise have read permissions. Default: passwd

The server has a list of deferred writes to the tproperties table, to improve overall I/O performance. The number of deferred writes is kept below this value; setting it high will allow writes to be more efficient by grouping more writes together, but may slow down reading, and setting it low will force writes to complete directly, but speed up reading of tables.

Default: 0 (off)

Same as the max_deferred_records variable, but per folder instead of total.

Default: 20

In this list you can disable certain features for users. Normally all features are enabled for all users, making it possible through the user plugin to disable specific features for specific users. To set the default of a feature to disabled, add it here to the list, making it possible through the user plugin to enable a specific user for specific users.

This list is space separated, and currently may contain the following features: imap, pop3.

Default: imap pop3

Size in bytes of the cell cache. This is the main cache used in Kopano. It caches all data that comes into view in tables (ie the view of your inbox, or any other folder). In an ideal situation, all cells would be cached, so that the database does not need to be queried for data when browsing through folders, but this would require around 1.5K per message item (e-mail, appointment task, etc) in the entire server. If you can afford it, set this value as high as possible, up to 50% of your total RAM capacity. Make sure this doesn't lead to swapping though. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 256M

This caches objects and their respective hierarchy of folders. You can calculate the size with a simple equation:

concurrent users * max items in a folder * 24

This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 5M

This cache contains unique IDs of objects. This cache is used twice, also by the index2 cache, which is the inverse of the index1 cache. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 16M

This cache contains quota values of users. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 1M

This sets the lifetime for quota details inside the cache. If quota details weren't queried during this period it is removed from the cache making room for more often requested quota details. Set to 0 to never expire, or -1 to disable this cache.

Default: 1 (1 minute)

This cache contains Access Control List values. Folders who are opened in other stores than your own are listed in the ACL table, and will be cached. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 1M

This cache contains store id values. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 1M

This cache contains user id values. This cache is used twice, also by the externid cache, which is the inverse of this cache. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 1M

This cache contains the details of users. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 3M

This sets the lifetime for user details inside the cache. If user details weren't queried during this period it is removed from the cache making room for more often requested user details. Set to 0 to never expire, or -1 to disable this cache.

Default: 0 (never expire)

This cache contains server locations. This cache is only used in multiserver mode. This value may contain a k, m or g multiplier.

Default: 1M

This sets the lifetime for server location details inside the cache. If server details weren't queried during this period it is removed from the cache making room for more often requested server details. Set to 0 to never expire, or -1 to disable this cache.

Default: 30 (30 minutes)

Size in Mb of de default quota warning level. Use 0 to disable this quota level.

Default: 0

Size in Mb of de default quota soft level. Use 0 to disable this quota level.

Default: 0

Size in Mb of de default quota hard level. Use 0 to disable this quota level.

Default: 0

Size in Mb of de default quota warning level for multitenant public stores. Use 0 to disable this quota level.

Default: 0

The source of the user base. Possible values are:

Retrieve the users from the Kopano database. Use the kopano-admin tool to create users and groups. There are no additional settings for this plugin.
Retrieve the users and groups information from an LDAP server. All additional LDAP settings are set in a separate config file, which will be defined by the user_plugin_config. See also kopano-ldap.cfg(5).
Retrieve the users and groups information from the Linux password files. User information will be read the /etc/passwd file. Passwords will be checked against /etc/shadow. Group information will read from /etc/group. Use the kopano-admin(8) tool to set Kopano specific attributes on a user.

All additional Unix settings are set in a separate config file, which will be defined by the user_plugin_config. See also kopano-unix.cfg(5)

Default: db

These scripts are called by the server when the external user source, like LDAP, is different from the users, groups and companies which are known to Kopano. The script uses a environment variable to see which user, group or tenant is affected. The following parameter is used for the script:

KOPANO_USER contains the new username. The script should at least call kopano-admin --create-store "${KOPANO_USER}" to correctly create the store for the new user.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/createuser

KOPANO_STOREID contains the old id of the store of the removed user.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deleteuser

KOPANO_GROUP contains the new groupname. No action is currently needed by the script.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/creategroup

KOPANO_GROUPID contains the old id of the group. No action is currently needed by the script.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deletegroup

KOPANO_COMPANY contains the new companyname. No action is currently needed by the script.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/createcompany

KOPANO_COMPANYID contains the old id of the company. No action is currently needed by the script.

Default: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deletecompany

If enabled, the storage server will only log when create, delete and move actions are done on an user object. This might be useful when you are testing changes to your plugin configuration.

Default: no

The hostname of the entry point to the S3 cloud where the bucket is located.

If you are using minio or another S3 compatible implementation that is using another port, you can specify the port with hostname:port.

The region where the bucket is located

The protocol that should be used to connect to S3, "http" or "https" (preferred).

The URL style of the bucket, "virtualhost" or "path".

The access key id of your S3 account.

The secret access key of your S3 account.

The bucket name in which the files will be stored.

The OpenID Connect Issuer Identifier.

When set, the server attempts OIDC discovery using the configured issuer identifier on startup. An Issuer Identifier is a case sensitive URL using the https scheme that contains scheme, host, and optionally, port number and path components. This no Issuer Identifier is set, OIDC support is disabled.

No default set.

Example: https://your-kopano-konnect.local

Skip OpenID Connect client security.

When set to yes, TLS certificate validation is skipped for all requests related to OpenID Connect. This is insecure and should not be used in production setups.

Default: no

Timeout in seconds when to give up OpenID Connect discovery.

When the OIDC initialize timeout is reached, server continues startup without OIDC and all OIDC validation will fail until the discovery completes. When set to 0, the server startup does not wait for OIDC discovery at all.

Default: 60

Enable multi-tenancy environment.

When set to true it is possible to create companies within the kopano instance and assign all users and groups to particular companies.

When set to false, the normal single-tenancy environment is created.

Default: false

Enable multi-server environment.

When set to true it is possible to place users and companies on specific servers.

When set to false, the normal single-server environment is created.

Default: false

Display format of store name.

Allowed variables:


Default: %f

Loginname format (for multi-tenancy installations). When the user does not login through a system-wide unique username (like the email address) a unique name has created by combining the username and the tenancyname. With the this configuration option you can set how the loginname should be build up.

Allowed variables:


Default: %u

Enable client updates.

You can place the Kopano Outlook Client installer in the client_update_path directory, and enable this option. Windows clients which have the automatic updater program installed will be able to download the latest client from the storage server.

Default: false

This is the path where you will place the Kopano Outlook Client MSI install program for Windows clients to download. You need the client_update_enabled option set to true for clients to actually download this file through the storage server.

Default: /var/lib/kopano/client

Receive the log information from the client auto update service.

Options: 0 disable, 1 sent only with errors, 2 always sent

Default: 1

Log location for the client auto update files

You need the client_update_log_level option set to non-zero value to receive log files from the client.

Default: /var/log/kopano/autoupdate

Use the kopano-search indexing service for faster searching. Enabling this option requires the kopano-search(8) service to be running.

Default: yes

Path to the kopano-search(8) service, this option is only required if the server is going to make use of the indexing service.

Default: file:///var/run/kopano/search.sock

Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the kopano-search(8) before terminating the indexed search request.

Default: 10

Allow enhanced ICS operations to speedup synchronization with cached profiles. Only disable this option for debugging purposes.

Default: yes

SQL Procedures allow for some optimized queries when streaming with enhanced ICS. This is default disabled because you must set 'thread_stack = 256k' in your MySQL server config under the [mysqld] tag and restart your MySQL server.

Default: no

Limits the amount of items (messages or folders) in a single folder. This makes sure that the server will not attempt to load folders that are so large that it would require huge amounts of memory just to show the data. In practice, folders of over 1000000 items are usually created by runaway processes which are therefore useless anyway.

Default: 1000000

When set to 'yes', kopano will synchronize the local user list whenever a list of users is requested (eg during kopano-admin -l or when opening the addressbook). When setting this value to 'no', synchronization will only occur during kopano-admin --sync. This is useful for setups which have large addressbooks (more than 1000 entries in the addressbook).

This option is forced to 'yes' when using the 'db' plugin since synchronization is implicit in that case.

Default: yes

In normal operation, a cluster of kopano-server nodes is served by sending redirections back to the clients requesting information. The redirection URL is built from the server's information in the LDAP database. However, in some cases it is useful to place the kopano-server instances behind a reverse HTTP proxy. In this case the redirected URL returned to the client cannot be the 'normal' hostname, but must be a URL that is handled by the proxy.

However, internal ('behind' the proxy) redirections must *not* be redirected to the proxy since this is not necessary. The strategy is that kopano-server will redirect to the proxy URL if the connection that initiated the redirect passed through a proxy. The way that this is detected is by examining an HTTP header. If the header specified by this option is found, then redirections will be to the proxy. If it is not, then redirections will be to the internal host. If the special value '*' is specified for this option, then the proxy URL will always be used. Specifying an empty value disables proxy detection.

Another effect of this option is that when a proxy connection is detected, kopano-server attempts to use the 'X-Forwarded-For' header to determine the originating IP address. This is used for logging and session binding (a session initiated on a certain IP address may not be accessed from another IP address).


Enable/disable reminders for shared stores.

Default: yes

A HTTP URL or filesystem-local socket specification for a kopano-statsd compatible web service that ingests service statistics such as memory usage or mail processing counters.


Default: unix:/var/run/kopano/statsd.sock

The time interval at which the statsd service is to be contacted, in seconds. When "statsclient_url" points to a kopano-statsd instance, the value should be 60 (for now), because its rrdtool archives are set to expect data at this rate.

Default: 0 (submission service is deactivated)

This setting can be used to control SSL certificate validation.

Default: yes

The following options are reloadable by sending the kopano-server process a HUP signal or reload the process by the initscript

system_email_address, local_admin_users, allow_local_users, hide_system, hide_everyone, auth_method, pam_service, enable_sso, enable_gab, sync_gab_realtime

session_timeout, server_recv_timeout, server_read_timeout, server_send_timeout, sync_lifetime

log_level, audit_log_level

threads, watchdog_max_age, watchdog_frequency, max_deferred_records, max_deferred_records_folder

user_safe_mode, enable_enhanced_ics, client_update_log_level, client_update_path, client_update_log_path

search_enabled, search_socket, search_timeout, disabled_features, mysql_group_concat_max_len, embedded_attachment_limit, proxy_header

quota_warn, quota_soft, quota_hard, companyquota_warn

createuser_script, deleteuser_script, creategroup_script, deletegroup_script, createcompany_script, deletecompany_script


The server configuration file.


The Kopano LDAP user plugin configuration file.


The Kopano Unix user plugin configuration file.

Written by Kopano.

kopano-server(8), kopano-ldap.cfg(5), kopano-unix.cfg(5)

November 2016 Kopano 8