--active {yes|no}
Change or specify if user is active. Should be combined
with --user (and optionally --create).
--add-admin NAME
Add specified user as "remote-admin" for
company specified with --company.
--add-company-quota-recipient NAME
Add specified user to companyquota recipients for company
specified with --company.
--add-delegation NAME
Add specified delegation (flags) to user specified with
--user. The syntax to be used for delegation (flags) is 'user:flag1,flag2,..'
where 'user' is a user name, and flags are optionally chosen from the
following: see_private, send_copy. The first means that delegates can see
private items, and the second that meeting requests and responses are also
sent to the delegates.
--add-feature NAME
Enable specified feature for user specified with
--add-permission NAME
Add specified permissions to store of user specified with
--user. Can be used with --folder to add permissions for a specific folder.
The syntax to be used for permissions is 'member:right1,right..', where
'member' is a group or user name, and rights are chosen from the following:
read_items, create_items, create_subfolders, edit_own, edit_all, delete_own,
delete_all, folder_owner, folder_contact and folder_visible. So for example,
to add certain permissions to the inbox of a user 'user2', to the inbox of
user 'user1': --user user1 --folder Inbox --add-permission
user2:read_items,folder_visible. The colon is optional.
--add-sendas NAME
Allow specified user to "send as" user
specified with --user.
--add-userquota-recipient NAME
Add specified user to userquota recipients for company
specified with --company.
--add-view NAME
Add specified company as remote-viewer of address
--add-user NAME
Add specified user to group specified with --group.
--admin NAME
Make specified user administrator of company specified
with --company.
--admin-level N
Change or specify admin level for user specified with
--user. A value of 1 means the user is an administrator, and 2 means the user
is a system administrator.
Clear all server caches.
--company, -C NAME
Specify company. Without further arguments, this will
show information about the given company. Can also be used in combination with
e.g. --list-users.
--config, -c FILE
Load configuration settings from specified file.
Create object. Must be combined with --user, --group or
--company. Can be combined with options such as --fullname, --email and
--password. Note that this doesn't work with an external source such as
Create and hook store. Without further arguments, a
public store is created for the current company or server. Can be used in
combination with --company (to create a company public store) and --user (to
create a user store).
Enable debug mode, meaning full tracebacks are shown in
addition to error messages.
Delete object. Must be combined with --user, --group or
--company. Note that this doesn't work with an external source such as
--email NAME
Change or specify object email address. Can be used with
--user or --group (and optionally --create).
--folder, -f PATH
Specify folder. Can be used in combination with e.g.
--add-permission, to add permissions for a specific folder.
--fullname NAME
Change or specify object full name. Can be used with
--user, --group or --company (and optionally --create).
--group, -G NAME
Specify group. Without further arguments, this will show
information about the given group. Can also be used in combination with e.g.
--hook-store GUID
Hook store with specified GUID. Without further
arguments, this will hook the public store. Can be used in combination with
--company (to hook the public store) and --user (to hook the user
--hook-archive GUID
Hook archive store with specified GUID. Should be used in
combination with --user.
--lang LANG
Specify language in which new stores are created,
determining e.g. the name of the inbox.
--mr-accept {yes|no}
Change or specify if meeting requests are automatically
accepted (by script specified in dagent.cfg). Should be combined with
--mr-accept-conflicts {yes|no}
Change or specify if overlapping meeting requests are
automatically declined by accept script. Should be combined with --user.
--mr-accept-recurring {yes|no}
Change or specify if recurring meeting requests are
automatically declined by accept script. Should be combined with --user.
List users. Without further arguments, this will list all
users. Can also be used in combination with e.g. --company and --group.
List groups. Without further arguments, this will list
all groups. Can also be used in combination with e.g. --company.
List companies.
List orphans, meaning stores that are currently not
hooked to a user or public store.
--name NAME
Change or specify object name. Can be used with --user,
--group or --company (and optionally --create).
--ooo {yes|no}
Enable or disable out-of-office replies for user
specified with --user.
Clear out-of-office settings for user specified with
--ooo-subject NAME
Change or specify out-of-office subject for user
specified with --user.
--ooo-message PATH
Change or specify out-of-office message for user
specified with --user, by specifying a file containing the message.
--ooo-from NAME
Change or specify out-of-office from date for user
specified with --user.
--ooo-until NAME
Change or specify out-of-office until date for user
specified with --user.
--password NAME
Change or specify user password. Should be used in
combination with --user (and optionally --create).
Change or specify user password via prompt. Should be
used in combination with --user (and optionally --create).
--purge-softdelete N
Purge items marked as softdeleted more than N days
Purge all items in the deferred update table.
--quota-override {yes|no}
Override server quota limits for user specified with
--user or company specified with --company.
--quota-hard N
Change or specify hard quota limit at specified number of
megabytes (MB). Should be used with --user or --company.
--quota-soft N
Change or specify soft quota limit at specified number of
megabytes (MB). Should be used with --user or --company.
--quota-warn N
Change or specify warn quota limit at specified number of
megabytes (MB). Should be used with --user or --company.
--remove-store GUID
Remove orphaned store with specified GUID.
--remove-admin NAME
Remove specified user as "remote-admin" for
company specified with --company.
--remove-company-quota-recipient NAME
Remove specified user from companyquota recipients for
company specified with --company.
--remove-delegation NAME
Remove delegation (flags) for user specified with --user.
The syntax to be used is described for the --add-delegation option.
--remove-feature NAME
Disable specified feature for user specified with
--remove-permission NAME
Remove specified permissions to store of user specified
with --user. Can be used with --folder to remove permissions for a specific
folder. The syntax to be used for permissions is described for the
--add-permission option.
--remove-sendas NAME
Disallow specified user to "send as" user
specified with --user.
--remove-userquota-recipient NAME
Remove specified user from userquota recipients for
company specified with --company.
--remove-view NAME
Remove specified company as remote-viewer of address
--remove-user NAME
Remove specified user from group specified with
Reset folder counts for all folders of user given with
--send-only-to-delegates {yes|no}
When sending meeting requests and responses to delegates,
only send them to the delegates.
--server-socket, -s SOCKET
Connect to storage server through specified socket.
--ssl-key, -k FILE
Specify SSL key file.
--ssl-pass, -p PASSWORD
Specify SSL key password.
--store, -S GUID
Specify store. To specify a public store, use
"public" or "public@companyname".
Synchronize users, groups and companies with external
source (such as LDAP).
Unhook archive store. Should be combined with
Unhook store. Without further arguments, the public store
is unhooked. Can be used in combination with --company (to unhook the public
store) or --user (to unhook the user store).
--user, -u NAME
Specify user. Without further arguments, this will show
information about the given user.
Output user statistics, such as active and non-active
users and total user count.