DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / krb5-kdc / kproplog.8.en

kproplog - display the contents of the Kerberos principal update log

kproplog [-h] [-e num] [-v] kproplog [-R]

The kproplog command displays the contents of the KDC database update log to standard output. It can be used to keep track of incremental updates to the principal database. The update log file contains the update log maintained by the kadmind(8) process on the master KDC server and the kpropd(8) process on the replica KDC servers. When updates occur, they are logged to this file. Subsequently any KDC replica configured for incremental updates will request the current data from the master KDC and update their log file with any updates returned.

The kproplog command requires read access to the update log file. It will display update entries only for the KDC it runs on.

If no options are specified, kproplog displays a summary of the update log. If invoked on the master, kproplog also displays all of the update entries. If invoked on a replica KDC server, kproplog displays only a summary of the updates, which includes the serial number of the last update received and the associated time stamp of the last update.

Reset the update log. This forces full resynchronization. If used on a replica then that replica will request a full resync. If used on the master then all replicas will request full resyncs.
Display a summary of the update log. This information includes the database version number, state of the database, the number of updates in the log, the time stamp of the first and last update, and the version number of the first and last update entry.
Display the last num update entries in the log. This is useful when debugging synchronization between KDC servers.
Display individual attributes per update. An example of the output generated for one entry:

Update Entry

Update serial # : 4
Update operation : Add
Update principal : test@EXAMPLE.COM
Update size : 424
Update committed : True
Update time stamp : Fri Feb 20 23:37:42 2004
Attributes changed : 6
Key data
Password last changed
Modifying principal
Modification time
TL data

See kerberos(7) for a description of Kerberos environment variables.

kpropd(8), kerberos(7)


1985-2019, MIT
