DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-passwd.1.en
ldaptor-passwd(1) User Commands ldaptor-passwd(1)

ldaptor-passwd - set a new LDAP password

ldaptor-passwd --binddn=DN [OPTION..] [DN..]

Generate random passwords
use Distinguished Name to bind to the directory
read bind password from filedescriptor
Service location, in the form BASEDN:HOST[:PORT]

ldaptor-passwd sets new passwords for the given list of DNs. If the --generate option is specified the passwords are generated automatically. If no DN is specified the password for the bind DN is changed.

ldaptor-passwd prints a list of DNs and new password pairs for all modified DNs.

This man page was written by Jan Dittberner <> for the Debian GNU/Linux System (but may be used by others).

Sat, 28 Mar 2009 Jan Dittberner