DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / lebiniou / lebiniou.1.en
lebiniou(1) lebiniou-3.30 lebiniou(1)

lebiniou - A tool to create images from sound

lebiniou [OPTIONS]

Le Biniou is a program which creates images from sound, in an intelligent way.

-b | --basedir path: Set base directory to look for plugins (default: /usr/lib/lebiniou/plugins)

-d | --datadir path: Set data directory (default: /usr/share/lebiniou)

-z | --schemes file: Set schemes file (default: /usr/share/lebiniou/etc/schemes.xml)

-f | --fullscreen: Set fullscreen

-h | --help: Display this help and exit

-i | --input plugin: Set input plugin (inputs: oss, alsa, jackaudio, pulseaudio, sndfile, twip, random, NULL (no input))

-m | --maxfps fps: Set maximum framerate

-o | --output plugin: Set output plugin. (outputs: SDL2, RTMP, mp4, diskwriter, NULL (no output))

-r | --random mode: Set auto-random mode

-q | --quiet: Only display important messages to console

-c | --config file: Select the configuration file to use (default: ~/.lebiniourc)

-s | --screen mode: Set On Screen Display mode

-v | --version: Display the version and exit

-x | --width width: Set width

-y | --height height: Set height

-p | --pidfile file: Set the PID file

-t | --themes themes: Comma-separated list of themes to use

-W | --webcams webcams: Number of webcams (default: 1)

-D | --device device: Webcam base (default: /dev/video)

-C | --camflip h|v: Flip webcam image horizontally/vertically

-S | --stats: Display statistics and exit

[Alt+b] - Next 3D boundary

[Alt+r] - Toggle 3D auto rotations

[Alt+c] - Display current colormap

[Ctrl+f] - Toggle full-screen on/off

[Alt+m] - Show/hide mouse cursor

[Shift+d] - Increase phase-space delay

[Alt+d] - Decrease phase-space delay

[Shift+q] - Quit

[Shift+x] - Save the current sequence then exit

[Shift+n] - Fill current frame with random pixels

[n] - Clear the current frame

[ESCAPE] - Turn off all auto changes

[RETURN] - Toggle selected plugin on/off

[Shift+RIGHT] - Use previous sequence

[Shift+LEFT] - Use next sequence

[Shift+PRINTSCREEN] - Take a screenshot

[Ctrl+BACKSPACE] - Make a sequence from system schemes

[BACKSPACE] - Select a random user sequence

[Ctrl+m] - Next random mode

[Shift+m] - Previous random mode

[Ctrl+t] - Auto colormaps on/off

[Ctrl+i] - Auto images on/off

[Ctrl+p] - Use the most recent sequence

[SPACE] - Bypass mode on/off

[Ctrl+SPACE] - Set webcam reference image

[Ctrl+v] - Switch 3d cube on/off

[Ctrl+c] - Toggle 3D world pulse on/off

[TAB] - Select next webcam

[Ctrl+l] - Lock selected plugin

[Shift+v] - Increase spline span size

[Alt+v] - Decrease spline span size

[Ctrl+TAB] - Freeze sound on/off

[UP] - Select previous plugin

[DOWN] - Select next plugin

[PAGEUP] - Scroll up in the plugins list

[PAGEDOWN] - Scroll down in the plugins list

[Shift+z] - Reset the current sequence

[Shift+l] - Toggle selected plugin as a lens on/off

[Shift+UP] - Select previous plugin in the sequence

[Shift+DOWN] - Select next plugin in the sequence

[Ctrl+UP] - Move selected plugin up in the sequence

[Ctrl+DOWN] - Move selected plugin down in the sequence

[Alt+y] - Select default layer mode for the current plugin

[Shift+y] - Select next layer mode

[Ctrl+s] - Save current sequence as new

[Ctrl+u] - Update current sequence

[e] - Select previous colormap

[r] - Select next colormap

[t] - Select random colormap

[y] - Select previous image

[u] - Select next image

[i] - Select random image

[Ctrl+g] - Set bank mode to sequences

[Ctrl+h] - Set bank mode to colormaps

[Ctrl+j] - Set bank mode to images

[Ctrl-Shift-F1] - Clear bank 1

[Ctrl-Shift-F2] - Clear bank 2

[Ctrl-Shift-F3] - Clear bank 3

[Ctrl-Shift-F4] - Clear bank 4

[Ctrl-Shift-F5] - Clear bank 5

[Ctrl-Shift-F6] - Clear bank 6

[Ctrl-Shift-F7] - Clear bank 7

[Ctrl-Shift-F8] - Clear bank 8

[Ctrl-Shift-F9] - Clear bank 9

[Ctrl-Shift-F10] - Clear bank 10

[Ctrl-Shift-F11] - Clear bank 11

[Ctrl-Shift-F12] - Clear bank 12

[Shift+F1] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 1

[Shift+F2] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 2

[Shift+F3] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 3

[Shift+F4] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 4

[Shift+F5] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 5

[Shift+F6] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 6

[Shift+F7] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 7

[Shift+F8] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 8

[Shift+F9] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 9

[Shift+F10] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 10

[Shift+F11] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 11

[Shift+F12] - Assign current sequence/colormap/image to bank 12

[F1] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 1

[F2] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 2

[F3] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 3

[F4] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 4

[F5] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 5

[F6] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 6

[F7] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 7

[F8] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 8

[F9] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 9

[F10] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 10

[F11] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 11

[F12] - Use sequence/colormap/image in bank 12

[Ctrl+F1] - Use bankset 1

[Ctrl+F2] - Use bankset 2

[Ctrl+F3] - Use bankset 3

[Ctrl+F4] - Use bankset 4

[Ctrl+F5] - Use bankset 5

[Ctrl+F6] - Use bankset 6

[Ctrl+F7] - Use bankset 7

[Ctrl+F8] - Use bankset 8

[Ctrl+F9] - Use bankset 9

[Ctrl+F10] - Use bankset 10

[Ctrl+F11] - Use bankset 11

[Ctrl+F12] - Use bankset 12

[Ctrl+b] - Save the banks file

User manual: file:///usr/share/doc/lebiniou/html/manual.html


Olivier Girondel <>

Feel free to report them

2019-01-11 lebiniou-3.30