DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libcurl4-doc / curl_easy_getinfo.3.en
curl_easy_getinfo(3) libcurl Manual curl_easy_getinfo(3)

curl_easy_getinfo - extract information from a curl handle

#include <curl/curl.h>

CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ... );

Request internal information from the curl session with this function. The third argument MUST be a pointer to a long, a pointer to a char *, a pointer to a struct curl_slist * or a pointer to a double (as this documentation describes further down). The data pointed-to will be filled in accordingly and can be relied upon only if the function returns CURLE_OK. Use this function AFTER a performed transfer if you want to get transfer related data.

You should not free the memory returned by this function unless it is explicitly mentioned below.

The following information can be extracted:

Last received response code. See CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE(3)
Last proxy CONNECT response code. See CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE(3)
The http version used in the connection. See CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION(3)
Remote time of the retrieved document. See CURLINFO_FILETIME(3)
Remote time of the retrieved document. See CURLINFO_FILETIME_T(3)
Total time of previous transfer. See CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME(3)
Total time of previous transfer. See CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T(3)
Time from start until name resolving completed. See CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME(3)
Time from start until name resolving completed. See CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_T(3)
Time from start until remote host or proxy completed. See CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME(3)
Time from start until remote host or proxy completed. See CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_T(3)
Time from start until SSL/SSH handshake completed. See CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME(3)
Time from start until SSL/SSH handshake completed. See CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T(3)
Time from start until just before the transfer begins. See CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME(3)
Time from start until just before the transfer begins. See CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_T(3)
Time from start until just when the first byte is received. See CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME(3)
Time from start until just when the first byte is received. See CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_T(3)
Time taken for all redirect steps before the final transfer. See CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME(3)
Time taken for all redirect steps before the final transfer. See CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_T(3)
Total number of redirects that were followed. See CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT(3)
URL a redirect would take you to, had you enabled redirects. See CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL(3)
(Deprecated) Number of bytes uploaded. See CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD(3)
Number of bytes uploaded. See CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_T(3)
(Deprecated) Number of bytes downloaded. See CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD(3)
Number of bytes downloaded. See CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_T(3)
(Deprecated) Average download speed. See CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD(3)
Average download speed. See CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD_T(3)
(Deprecated) Average upload speed. See CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD(3)
Average upload speed. See CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD_T(3)
Number of bytes of all headers received. See CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE(3)
Number of bytes sent in the issued HTTP requests. See CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE(3)
Certificate verification result. See CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3)
Proxy certificate verification result. See CURLINFO_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYRESULT(3)
A list of OpenSSL crypto engines. See CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES(3)
(Deprecated) Content length from the Content-Length header. See CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD(3)
Content length from the Content-Length header. See CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_T(3)
(Deprecated) Upload size. See CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD(3)
Content type from the Content-Type header. See CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE(3)
User's private data pointer. See CURLINFO_PRIVATE(3)
Available HTTP authentication methods. See CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL(3)
Available HTTP proxy authentication methods. See CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL(3)
The errno from the last failure to connect. See CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO(3)
Number of new successful connections used for previous transfer. See CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS(3)
IP address of the last connection. See CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP(3)
Port of the last connection. See CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT(3)
Local-end IP address of last connection. See CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP(3)
Local-end port of last connection. See CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT(3)
List of all known cookies. See CURLINFO_COOKIELIST(3)
Last socket used. See CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET(3)
The session's active socket. See CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET(3)
The entry path after logging in to an FTP server. See CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH(3)
Certificate chain. See CURLINFO_CERTINFO(3)
TLS session info that can be used for further processing. See CURLINFO_TLS_SSL_PTR(3)
TLS session info that can be used for further processing. See CURLINFO_TLS_SESSION(3). Deprecated option, use CURLINFO_TLS_SSL_PTR(3) instead!
Whether or not a time conditional was met. See CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET(3)
RTSP CSeq that will next be used. See CURLINFO_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ(3)
RTSP CSeq that will next be expected. See CURLINFO_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ(3)
RTSP CSeq last received. See CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECV(3)
The protocol used for the connection. (Added in 7.52.0) See CURLINFO_PROTOCOL(3)
The scheme used for the connection. (Added in 7.52.0) See CURLINFO_SCHEME(3)

An overview of the six time values available from curl_easy_getinfo()

CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME and fICURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_T. The time it took from the start until the name resolving was completed.
CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME and CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_T. The time it took from the start until the connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.
CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME and CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T. The time it took from the start until the SSL connect/handshake with the remote host was completed. (Added in 7.19.0) The latter is the integer version (measuring microseconds). (Added in 7.60.0)
CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME and CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_T. The time it took from the start until the file transfer is just about to begin. This includes all pre-transfer commands and negotiations that are specific to the particular protocol(s) involved.
CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME and CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_T. The time it took from the start until the first byte is received by libcurl.
CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME and CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T. Total time of the previous request.
CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME and CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_T. The time it took for all redirection steps include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before final transaction was started. So, this is zero if no redirection took place.

If the operation was successful, CURLE_OK is returned. Otherwise an appropriate error code will be returned.


May 17, 2018 libcurl 7.64.0