DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libdpm-dev / dpm_getspacemd.3.en

dpm_getspacemd - get space metadata

#include <sys/types.h>
#include "dpm_api.h"

int dpm_getspacemd (int nbtokens, char **s_tokens, int *nbreplies, struct dpm_space_metadata **spacemd)

dpm_getspacemd gets space metadata.

The input arguments are:

specifies the number of tokens in the request.
specifies an array of tokens returned by previous reservespace requests.

The output arguments are:

will be set to the number of replies in the array of space metadata.
will be set to the address of an array of dpm_space_metadata structures allocated by the API. The client application is responsible for freeing the array when not needed anymore.

struct dpm_space_metadata {
	char		s_type;
	char		s_token[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	uid_t		s_uid;
	gid_t		s_gid;
	char		ret_policy;
	char		ac_latency;
	char		u_token[256];
	char		client_dn[256];
	u_signed64	t_space;	/* Total space */
	u_signed64	g_space;	/* Guaranteed space */
	signed64	u_space;	/* Unused space */
	char		poolname[CA_MAXPOOLNAMELEN+1];
	time_t		a_lifetime;	/* Lifetime assigned */
	time_t		r_lifetime;	/* Remaining lifetime */
	int		nbgids;
	gid_t		*gids;		/* restrict the space to given group(s) */

This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.

s_tokens , nbreplies or spacemd is a NULL pointer.
Memory could not be allocated for storing the reply.
nbtokens is not strictly positive or the specified tokens are invalid/unknown.
Host unknown.
Database error.
Communication error.
$Date: 2008/09/25 10:17:46 $ LCG