DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libdpm-dev / dpns_getgrpbygids.3.en

dpns_getgrpbygids - get group names associated with given virtual gids

#include <sys/types.h>
#include "dpns_api.h"

int dpns_getgrpbygids (int nbgroups, gid_t *gids, char **groupnames)

dpns_getgrpbygids gets the group names associated with given virtual gids.

specifies the number of gids.
specifies the Virtual Group Ids.
specifies a buffer to receive the pointers to the associated group names. The buffer must be big enough to hold nbgroups pointer values. The client application is responsible for freeing the array elements when not needed anymore.

This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.

Memory could not be allocated for unmarshalling the reply.
gids or groupnames is a NULL pointer.
nbgroups is not strictly positive or one of the gids does not exist in the internal mapping table.
Host unknown.
Service unknown.
Communication error.
Name server is not running or is being shutdown.
$Date: 2007/03/21 10:24:15 $ DPNS