DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libdpm-dev / dpns_getidmap.3.en

dpns_getidmap - get virtual uid/gid(s) associated with a given dn/role(s)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include "dpns_api.h"

int dpns_getidmap (const char *username, int nbgroups, const char **groupnames, uid_t *userid, gid_t *gids)

int dpns_getidmapc (const char *username, const char *user_ca, int nbgroups, const char **groupnames, uid_t *userid, gid_t *gids)

dpns_getidmap gets the virtual uid/gid(s) associated with a given dn/role(s). If the dn or any of the roles does not exist yet in the Database an entry is added to the mapping table.

specifies the user name (dn). It must be at most 255 characters long.
specifies the CA from the user proxy. It must be at most 255 characters long.
is the number of group names.
is the address of an array of group names (vo/role). Each group name must be at most 255 characters long. This pointer can be NULL. In this case the vo is obtained from a static mapping file.
specifies the address of a buffer to receive the Virtual User Id.
specifies the address of a buffer to receive the Virtual Group Ids. It must be big enough to receive nbgroups group ids, but at least one group id in case nbgroups is zero.

This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.

Memory could not be allocated in the server to receive the group names or to send back the gids.
One of username, user_ca or the primary (first) group is banned.
username, userid or gids is a NULL pointer.
nbgroups is negative or the length of username, user_ca or of one of the group names exceeds 255.
Host unknown.
Service unknown.
Communication error.
DISABLEAUTOVIDS is set and username or one of the groups does not exist.
Name server is not running or is being shutdown.
$Date: 2010-08-04 09:58:47 +0200 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010) $ DPNS