DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libhwloc-doc / hwlocality_api_version.3.en
hwlocality_api_version(3) Hardware Locality (hwloc) hwlocality_api_version(3)


#define HWLOC_API_VERSION 0x00010b06

unsigned hwloc_get_api_version (void)

Indicate at build time which hwloc API version is being used. This number is updated to (X>>16)+(Y>>8)+Z when a new release X.Y.Z actually modifies the API.

Users may check for available features at build time using this number (see How do I handle ABI breaks and API upgrades?).

Current component and plugin ABI version (see hwloc/plugins.h)

Indicate at runtime which hwloc API version was used at build time. Should be HWLOC_API_VERSION if running on the same version.

Generated automatically by Doxygen for Hardware Locality (hwloc) from the source code.

Fri Feb 8 2019 Version 1.11.12