DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / liblcgdm-dev / netread.3.en
NETREAD(3) Common Library Functions NETREAD(3)

netread - receive a message from a socket

#include "net.h"

int netread (int s, char *buf, int nbytes);

ssize_t netread_timeout (int s, void *buf, size_t nbytes, int timeout);

netread receives a message from a socket. It overcomes the message fragmentation problem and always waits for all requested bytes to arrive or a timeout/error occurs.

This routine returns the number of bytes if the operation was successful, 0 if the connection was closed by the remote end or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.

The function was interrupted by a signal.
s is not a valid descriptor.
The socket is non-blocking and there is no message available.
buf is not a valid pointer.
nbytes is negative or zero.
s is not a socket.
Connection closed by remote end.
Timed out.

recv(2), neterror(3)

LCG Grid Deployment Team

$Date: 2005/03/29 09:27:19 $ LCG