lfc_delfilesbyguid - delete the file entries corresponding to a list of guids
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lfc_api.h"
int lfc_delfilesbyguid (int nbguids, const char **guids, int force, int *nbstatuses, int **statuses)
lfc_delfilesbyguid deletes the file entries corresponding to a list of guids. If replicas exist and the force argument is not zero, all replicas are first removed.
This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.
the effective user ID of the requestor does not match the owner ID of the file and
the effective user ID of the requestor does not match the owner ID of the directory and
the file is not writable by the requestor and
the requestor does not have ADMIN privilege in the Cupv database.
LCG Grid Deployment Team
$Date: 2007/12/13 11:59:47 $ | LFC |