DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / liblfc-dev / lfc_enterusrmap.3.en

lfc_enterusrmap - define a new user entry in Virtual Id table

#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lfc_api.h"

int lfc_enterusrmap (uid_t uid, char *username)

lfc_enterusrmap defines a new user entry in Virtual Id table.

specifies the Virtual User Id. If the value is -1, the next available id is allocated.
specifies the user name.

This function requires ADMIN privilege.

This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.

The caller does not have ADMIN privilege.
username is a NULL pointer.
User exists already.
The length of username exceeds 255.
Host unknown.
Service unknown.
Communication error.
Name server is not running or is being shutdown.
$Date: 2006/01/13 16:22:46 $ LFC