Mango::BSON(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Mango::BSON(3pm) |
Mango::BSON - BSON
use Mango::BSON ':bson'; my $bson = bson_encode { foo => 'bar', baz => 0.42, unordered => {one => [1, 2, 3], two => bson_time}, ordered => bson_doc(one => qr/test/i, two => bson_true) }; my $doc = bson_decode $bson;
Mango::BSON is a minimalistic implementation of <>.
In addition to a bunch of custom BSON data types it supports normal Perl data types like scalar, regular expression, "undef", array reference, hash reference and will try to call the "TO_BSON" and "TO_JSON" methods on blessed references, or stringify them if it doesn't exist. Scalar references will be used to generate booleans, based on if their values are true or false.
Mango::BSON implements the following functions, which can be imported individually or at once with the ":bson" flag.
my $bin = bson_bin $bytes;
Create new BSON element of the binary type with Mango::BSON::Binary, defaults to the "generic" binary subtype.
# Function bson_bin($bytes)->type('function'); # MD5 bson_bin($bytes)->type('md5'); # UUID bson_bin($bytes)->type('uuid'); # User defined bson_bin($bytes)->type('user_defined');
my $code = bson_code 'function () {}';
Create new BSON element of the code type with Mango::BSON::Code.
# With scope bson_code('function () {}')->scope({foo => 'bar'});
my $dbref = bson_dbref 'test', $oid;
Create a new database reference.
# Longer version my $dbref = {'$ref' => 'test', '$id' => $oid};
my $doc = bson_decode $bson;
Decode BSON into Perl data structures.
my $doc = bson_doc; my $doc = bson_doc foo => 'bar', baz => 0.42, yada => {yada => [1, 2, 3]};
Create new BSON document with Mango::BSON::Document, which can also be used as a generic ordered hash.
# Order is preserved my $hash = bson_doc one => 1, two => 2, three => 3; $hash->{four} = 4; delete $hash->{two}; say for keys %$hash;
my $doc = { foo => bson_double(13.0) };
Force a scalar value to be encoded as a double in MongoDB. Croaks if the value is incompatible with the double type.
my $bson = bson_encode $doc; my $bson = bson_encode {};
Encode Perl data structures into BSON.
my $false = bson_false;
Create new BSON element of the boolean type false.
my $doc = { foo => bson_int32(13) }; # This will die (integer is too big) my $doc = { foo => bson_int32(2147483648) };
Force a scalar value to be encoded as a 32 bit integer in MongoDB. Croaks if the value is incompatible with the int32 type.
my $doc = { foo => bson_int64(666) };
Force a scalar value to be encoded as a 64 bit integer in MongoDB. Croaks if the value is incompatible with the int64 type.
my $len = bson_length $bson;
Check BSON length prefix.
my $max_key = bson_max;
Create new BSON element of the max key type.
my $min_key = bson_min;
Create new BSON element of the min key type.
my $oid = bson_oid; my $oid = bson_oid '1a2b3c4e5f60718293a4b5c6';
Create new BSON element of the object id type with Mango::BSON::ObjectID, defaults to generating a new unique object id.
# Generate object id with specific epoch time my $oid = bson_oid->from_epoch(1359840145);
my $raw = bson_raw $bson;
Pre-encoded BSON document.
# Longer version my $raw = {'$bson' => $bson}; # Embed pre-encoded BSON document my $first = bson_encode {foo => 'bar'}; my $second = bson_encode {test => bson_raw $first};
my $now = bson_time; my $time = bson_time time * 1000;
Create new BSON element of the UTC datetime type with Mango::BSON::Time, defaults to milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
# "1360626536.748" bson_time(1360626536748)->to_epoch; # "2013-02-11T23:48:56.748Z" bson_time(1360626536748)->to_datetime;
my $true = bson_true;
Create new BSON element of the boolean type true.
my $timestamp = bson_ts 23, 24;
Create new BSON element of the timestamp type with Mango::BSON::Timestamp.
my $bytes = encode_cstring $cstring;
Encode cstring.
Mango, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.
2018-04-14 | perl v5.26.1 |