nfc-mfultralight(1) | NFC Utilities | nfc-mfultralight(1) |
nfc-mfultralight - MIFARE Ultralight command line tool
nfc-mfultralight r|w DUMP
nfc-mfultralight is a MIFARE Ultralight tool that allows one to read or write a tag data to/from a DUMP file.
MIFARE Ultralight tag is one of the most widely used RFID tags for ticketing application. It uses a binary Mifare Dump file (MFD) to store data for all sectors.
Be cautious that some parts of a Ultralight memory can be written only once and some parts are used as lock bits, so please read the tag documentation before experimenting too much!
To set the UID of a special writeable UID card, edit the first 7 bytes of a dump file and then write it back, answering 'Y' to the question 'Write UID bytes?'.
r | w Perform read from ( r ) or write to ( w ) card.
Please report any bugs on the libnfc issue tracker at:
libnfc is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL), version 3.
libnfc-utils and libnfc-examples are covered by the the BSD
2-Clause license.
Roel Verdult <>,
Romuald Conty <>.
This manual page was written by Romuald Conty <>. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).
November 2, 2009 | libnfc |