DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libparse-mediawikidump-perl / Parse::MediaWikiDump::page.3pm.en
Parse::MediaWikiDump::page(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Parse::MediaWikiDump::page(3pm)

Parse::MediaWikiDump::page - Object representing a specific revision of a MediaWiki page

This object is returned from the "next" method of Parse::MediaWikiDump::Pages and Parse::MediaWikiDump::Revisions. You most likely will not be creating instances of this particular object yourself instead you use this object to access the information about a page in a MediaWiki instance.

  $pages = Parse::MediaWikiDump::Pages->new('pages-articles.xml');
  #get all the records from the dump files, one record at a time
  while(defined($page = $pages->next)) {
    print "title '", $page->title, "' id ", $page->id, "\n";

This software is being RETIRED - MediaWiki::DumpFile is the official successor to Parse::MediaWikiDump and includes a compatibility library called MediaWiki::DumpFile::Compat that is 100% API compatible and is a near perfect standin for this module. It is faster in all instances where it counts and is actively maintained. Any undocumented deviation of MediaWiki::DumpFile::Compat from Parse::MediaWikiDump is considered a bug and will be fixed.

Returns an empty string (such as '') for the main namespace or a string containing the name of the namespace.
Returns a reference to an array that contains a list of categories or undef if there are no categories. This method does not understand templates and may not return all the categories the article actually belongs in.
Returns a string of the full article title including the namespace if present
Returns a string of the namespace of the article or an empty string if the article is in the default namespace
Returns a number that is the id for the page in the MediaWiki instance
Returns a number that is the revision id for the page in the MediaWiki instance
Returns a string in the following format: 2005-07-09T18:41:10Z
Returns a string of the username responsible for this specific revision of the article or undef if the editor was anonymous
Returns a number that is the id for the user returned by $page->username or undef if the editor was anonymous
Returns a string of the IP of the editor if the edit was anonymous or undef otherwise
Returns 1 if this article was flaged as a minor edit otherwise returns 0
Returns a reference to a string that contains the article title text
2016-02-22 perl v5.22.1