DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libvirt-daemon / virtlockd.8.en
VIRTLOCKD(8) Virtualization Support VIRTLOCKD(8)

virtlockd - libvirt lock management daemon

virtlockd [OPTION]...

The virtlockd program is a server side daemon component of the libvirt virtualization management system that is used to manage locks held against virtual machine resources, such as their disks.

This daemon is not used directly by libvirt client applications, rather it is called on their behalf by libvirtd. By maintaining the locks in a standalone daemon, the main libvirtd daemon can be restarted without risk of losing locks. The virtlockd daemon has the ability to re-exec() itself upon receiving SIGUSR1, to allow live upgrades without downtime.

The virtlockd daemon listens for requests on a local Unix domain socket.

Display command line help usage then exit.
Run as a daemon and write PID file.
Use this configuration file, overriding the default value.
Automatically shutdown after SECONDS have elapsed with no active client or lock.
Use this name for the PID file, overriding the default value.
Enable output of verbose messages.
Display version information then exit.

On receipt of SIGUSR1 virtlockd will re-exec() its binary, while maintaining all current locks and clients. This allows for live upgrades of the virtlockd service.

When run as root.

The default configuration file used by virtlockd, unless overridden on the command line using the -f|--config option.
The sockets libvirtd will use.
The PID file to use, unless overridden by the -p|--pid-file option.

When run as non-root.

The default configuration file used by libvirtd, unless overridden on the command line using the -f|--config option.
The socket libvirtd will use.
The PID file to use, unless overridden by the -p|--pid-file option.

To retrieve the version of virtlockd:

 # virtlockd --version
 virtlockd (libvirt) 1.1.1

To start virtlockd, instructing it to daemonize and create a PID file:

 # virtlockd -d
 # ls -la /var/run/
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Jul  9 02:40 /var/run/

Please report all bugs you discover. This should be done via either:


Please refer to the AUTHORS file distributed with libvirt.

Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Red Hat, Inc., and the authors listed in the libvirt AUTHORS file.

virtlockd is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL v2.1+. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE

libvirtd(8), <>

2017-10-30 libvirt-3.9.0