DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / libxml-compile-perl / XML::Compile::Schema::Instance.3pm.en
XML::Compile::Schema::Instance(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation XML::Compile::Schema::Instance(3pm)

XML::Compile::Schema::Instance - Represents one schema

 # Used internally by XML::Compile::Schema
 my $schema = XML::Compile::Schema::Instance->new($xml);

This module collect information from one schema, and helps to process it.

$obj->new($top, %options)
Get's the top of an XML::LibXML tree, which must be a schema element. The tree is parsed: the information collected.

 -Option                --Default
  attribute_form_default  <undef>
  element_form_default    <undef>
  filename                undef
  source                  undef
  target_namespace        <undef>
Overrule the default as found in the schema. Many old schemas (like WSDL11 and SOAP11) do not specify the default in the schema but only in the text.
When the source is some file, this is its name.
An indication where this information came from.
Overrule or set the target namespace.

Returns a list of all defined attribute groups.
Returns a lost of all globally defined attribute names.
Returns a list with all complexType names.
Returns one global element definition.
Returns a list of all globally defined element names.
Returns a list of all defined model groups.
Returns a HASH with the base-type as key and an ARRAY of types which extend it.
Returns a list with all simpleType names.
A schema can defined more than one target namespace, where recent schema spec changes provide a targetNamespace attribute.
Returns the type definition with the specified name.
Returns a list of all simpleTypes and complexTypes

$obj->find($kind, $fullname)
Returns the definition for the object of $kind, with $fullname.

example: of find

  my $attr = $instance->find(attribute => '{myns}my_global_attr');
Returns a list of all schemaLocations specified with the import $ns (one of the values returned by imports()).
Returns a list with all namespaces which need to be imported.
Returns a list of all schemaLocations which where specified with include statements.
$obj->printIndex( [$fh], %options )
Prints an overview over the defined objects within this schema to the selected $fh.

 -Option       --Default
  kinds          <all>
  list_abstract  <true>
Which KIND of definitions would you like to see. Pick from "element", "attribute", "simpleType", "complexType", "attributeGroup", and "group".
Show abstract elements, or skip them (because they cannot be instantiated anyway).

This module is part of XML-Compile distribution version 1.61, built on November 09, 2018. Website:

Copyrights 2006-2018 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See

2018-11-26 perl v5.28.0