ZZIP_DIR_FDOPEN(3) | zziplib Function List | ZZIP_DIR_FDOPEN(3) |
zzip_dir_fdopen, zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io - ...
#include <zzip/lib.h>
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_fdopen((int fd, zzip_error_t * errcode_p));
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io((int fd, zzip_error_t * errcode_p, zzip_strings_t * ext, const zzip_plugin_io_t io));
the zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io function uses explicit ext and io instead of the internal defaults, setting these to zero is equivalent to zzip_dir_fdopen
Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 Guido Draheim All rights reserved, use under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
0.13.62 | zziplib |