DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / lprng / lp.1.en
LP(1) lp command LP(1)

lp - compatibility way to feed print jobs to the print daemon.

lp [-ckmprswBGY] [ -d printer ] [ -D dbglvl ] [ -f class ] [ -n num ] [ -q prio ] [ -t title ] files

lp is a (partial) simulation for the Solaris SystemV R4 print facilities and implemented as link to lpr which behaves differently when invoked with this name. Please use lpr directly instead of this program.

A description of the options is still missing.


LPRng was written by Patrick Powell <>.

Most of the diagnostics are self explanatory. If you are puzzled over the exact cause of failure, set the debugging level on (-D5) and run again. The debugging information will help you to pinpoint the exact cause of failure.

LPRng is a enhanced printer spooler system with functionality similar to the Berkeley LPR software. The LPRng developer mailing list is; subscribe by visiting or sending mail to with the word subscribe in the body.
The software is available via

2006-12-09 LPRng