LSVIO(8) | LSVIO(8) |
lsvio - list virtual I/O adapters and devices
lsvio [-v | --version] [-s | --scsi] [-e | --ethernet] [-d | --devices] [-p<database-filename> | --path=<database-filename> | -z<database-archive> | --zip=<database-archive>] [-D | --debug] [-h | --help]
This program is part of the lsvpd package for Linux. This package is a (partial) reimplementation of AIX's lsvpd and related commands.
lsvio lists virtual I/O adapters and devices. lsvio retrieves
information from lsvpd's hardware inventory database. Therefore, the
vpdupdate(8) command must have been executed prior to running
This option is useful for producing output for previous hardware inventory databases that have been replaced by the system.
This option is useful for producing output for old hardware inventory databases that have been archived by the system.
lsvio is supported since Linux 2.6 on systems with virtual I/O. On other systems lsvio will probably exit with an error message.
Eric Munson <>. Brad Peters <>.
Copyright (c) 2002 - 2013 IBM.