MEGARM(1) | Megatools Manual | MEGARM(1) |
megarm - Remove files and folders from your account
megarm <remotepaths>... megarm /Contacts/<contactemail>
Removes files and folders from your account.
NOTE: This command removes folders recursively without asking. Be careful.
As a special case, by removing a folder under /Contacts, you’re removing a <contactemail> from your contacts list.
-u <email>, --username <email>
-p <password>, --password <password>
--limit-speed <speed>
--proxy <proxy>
--config <path>
--debug [<options>]
Available options are:
$ megals /Root /Root /Root/MyNewFolder $ megarm /Root/MyNewFolder $ megals /Root /Root
$ megarm /Contacts/ filesystem is represented as a tree of nodes of various types. Nodes are identified by a 8 character node handles (eg. 7Fdi3ZjC). Structure of the filesystem is not encrypted.
Megatools maps node tree structure to a traditional filesystem paths (eg. /Root/SomeFile.DAT).
NOTE: By the nature of storage, several files in the directory can have the same name. To allow access to such files, the names of conflicting files are extended by appending dot and their node handle like this:
/Root/conflictingfile /Root/conflictingfile.7Fdi3ZjC /Root/conflictingfile.mEU23aSD
You need to be aware of several special folders:
megatools(7), megarc(5), megadf(1), megadl(1), megaget(1), megals(1), megamkdir(1), megaput(1), megareg(1), megarm(1), megacopy(1).
Part of the megatools(7) suite.
Report bugs at or
Megatools was written by Ondrej Jirman <>, 2013-2016.
Official website is
07/31/2018 | megatools 1.10.2 |