g3toxwd(1) | mgetty+sendfax manual | g3toxwd(1) |
g3toxwd - converts a Group 3 fax file into a displayable xwd file
g3toxwd [-kludge] [-reversebits] [-scale N] [-aspect N] [-skiprows N] [-name xwdname] [g3file]
Reads a Group 3 fax file (raw or digifax) as input. If no filename is given, stdin is used. Produces a displayable xwd file as output.
The standard for Group 3 fax is defined in CCITT Recommendation T.4.
Long fax files are not handled properly. Output size fixed 1000x1350 pixels defined at compile time. Please report bugs to chel@vangennip.nl
g3toxwd is Copyright (C) 1994 by Chel van Gennip, <chel@vangennip.nl>. Sources of g3topbm and pbmtoxwd programs in Jef Poskanzers pbmplus package have been used, but al lot of code has been changed or added to simplify its use for displaying faxes. Value added: low use of memory, fast scaling.
22 may 94 | Chel |