mkvmerge - マルチメディアストリームをMatroskaファイルに格納します。
mkvmerge [global options] {-o out} [options1] {file1} [[options2] {file2}] [@options-file.json]
-v, --verbose
-q, --quiet
-o, --output file-name
-w, --webm
For chapters and tags only a subset of elements are allowed. mkvmerge(1) will automatically remove all elements not allowed by the specification.
--title title
--default-language language-code
The default language code is 'und' for 'undefined'.
--segmentinfo filename.xml
--segment-uid SID1,SID2,...
If SID starts with = then its rest is interpreted as the name of a Matroska file whose segment UID is read and used.
--chapter-language language-code
The language set with this option is also used when chapters are generated with the --generate-chapters option.
--chapter-charset character-set
--chapter-sync d[,o[/p]]
o/p: タイムスタンプをo/pの割合で調整し、リニアドリフトを修正します。pが省略された場合、デフォルトで1が使用されます。o及びpには小数を指定できます。
デフォルト: マニュアル同期修正は行われません(d = 0 かつo = 1.0の場合と同じです)。
--generate-chapters mode
Example: --generate-chapters interval:45s
The names for the new chapters are controlled by the option --generate-chapters-name-template. The language is set with --chapter-language which must occur before --generate-chapters.
--generate-chapters-name-template template
There are several variables that can be used in the template that are replaced by their actual values when a chapter is generated. The string '<NUM>' will be replaced by the chapter number. The string '<START>' will be replaced by the chapter's start timestamp.
The strings '<FILE_NAME>' and '<FILE_NAME_WITH_EXT>' are only filled when generating chapters for appended files. They will be replaced by the appended file's name wihtout respectively with its extension. Note that only the file's base name and extension are inserted, not its directory or drive components.
You can specify a minimum number of places for the chapter number with '<NUM:places>', e.g. '<NUM:3>'. The resulting number will be padded with leading zeroes if the number of places is less than specified.
You can control the format used by the start timestamp with <START:format>. The format defaults to '%H:%M:%S' if none is given. Valid format codes are:
--cue-chapter-name-format format
このオプションが指定されていない場合、デフォルトで'%p - %t'というフォーマットが使用されます。
--chapters file-name
--global-tags file-name
--track-order FID1:TID1,FID2:TID2,...
--cluster-length spec
Enabling this option prevents mkvmerge(1) from writing those tags and from touching any existing tags with same names.
--timestamp-scale factor
--split specification
At the moment mkvmerge(1) supports four different modes.
書式: --split [size:]d[k|m|g]
例: --split size:700m or --split 150000000
書式: --split [duration:]HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn|ds
例: --split duration:00:60:00.000 or --split 3600s
書式: --split timestamps:A[,B[,C...]]
例: --split timestamps:00:45:00.000,01:20:00.250,6300s
Syntax: --split parts:start1-end1[,[+]start2-end2[,[+]start3-end3...]]
The parts mode tells mkvmerge(1) to keep certain ranges of timestamps while discarding others. The ranges to keep have to be listed after the parts: keyword and be separated by commas. A range itself consists of a start and an end timestamp in the same format the other variations of --split accept (e.g. both 00:01:20 and 80s refer to the same timestamp).
If a start timestamp is left out then it defaults to the previous range's end timestamp. If there was no previous range then it defaults to the start of the file (see example 3).
If an end timestamp is left out then it defaults to the end of the source files which basically tells mkvmerge(1) to keep the rest (see example 3).
Normally each range will be written to a new file. This can be changed so that consecutive ranges are written to the same file. For that the user has to prefix the start timestamp with a +. This tells mkvmerge(1) not to create a new file and instead append the range to the same file the previous range was written to. Timestamps will be adjusted so that there will be no gap in the output file even if there was a gap in the two ranges in the input file.
In example 1 mkvmerge(1) will create two files. The first will contain the content starting from 00:01:20 until 00:02:45. The second file will contain the content starting from 00:05:50 until 00:10:30.
In example 2 mkvmerge(1) will create only one file. This file will contain both the content starting from 00:01:20 until 00:02:45 and the content starting from 00:05:50 until 00:10:30.
In example 3 mkvmerge(1) will create two files. The first will contain the content from the start of the source files until 00:02:45. The second file will contain the content starting from 00:05:50 until the end of the source files.
Syntax: --split parts-frames:start1-end1[,[+]start2-end2[,[+]start3-end3...]]
The parts-frames mode tells mkvmerge(1) to keep certain ranges of frame/field numbers while discarding others. The ranges to keep have to be listed after the parts-frames: keyword and be separated by commas. A range itself consists of a start and an end frame/field number. Numbering starts at 1.
If a start number is left out then it defaults to the previous range's end number. If there was no previous range then it defaults to the start of the file (see example 3).
If an end number is left out then it defaults to the end of the source files which basically tells mkvmerge(1) to keep the rest (see example 3).
Normally each range will be written to a new file. This can be changed so that consecutive ranges are written to the same file. For that the user has to prefix the start number with a +. This tells mkvmerge(1) not to create a new file and instead append the range to the same file the previous range was written to. Timestamps will be adjusted so that there will be no gap in the output file even if there was a gap in the two ranges in the input file.
In example 2 mkvmerge(1) will create only one file. This file will contain both the content starting from 733 until 912 and the content starting from 1592 until 2730.
In example 3 mkvmerge(1) will create two files. The first will contain the content from the start of the source files until 430. The second file will contain the content starting from 2512 until the end of the source files.
This mode considers only the first video track that is output. If no video track is output no splitting will occur.
Syntax: --split frames:A[,B[,C...]]
Example: --split frames:120,237,891
The parameters A, B, C etc must all be positive integers. Numbering starts at 1. The list of frame/field numbers is separated by commas. After the input stream has reached the current split point's frame/field number a new file is created. Then the next split point given in this list is used.
The 'frames:' prefix must not be omitted.
This mode considers only the first video track that is output. If no video track is output no splitting will occur.
Syntax: --split chapters:all or --split chapters:A[,B[,C...]]
Example: --split chapters:5,8
The parameters A, B, C etc must all be positive integers. Numbering starts at 1. The list of chapter numbers is separated by commas. Splitting will occur right before the first key frame whose timestamp is equal to or bigger than the start timestamp for the chapters whose numbers are listed. A chapter starting at 0s is never considered for splitting and discarded silently.
The keyword all can be used instead of listing all chapter numbers manually.
The 'chapters:' prefix must not be omitted.
この分割モードでは、出力ファイル名は通常の操作とは異なる扱いを受けます。このモードでは出力ファイル名はprintfのように'%d'というパターンを含むことができます。'%02d'のように幅指定を追加することもできます。出力ファイル名がこのパターンを含む場合、ファイル番号が適切なフォーマットで指定された位置に挿入されます。含まない場合、'-%03d'というパターンがファイルの拡張子の直前に指定されたものとみなされ、例えば'-o output.mkv'を指定した場合、'output-001.mkv'等のファイル名に出力されます。拡張子が存在しない場合、'-%03d'はファイル名の末尾に追加されます。
--link-to-previous segment-UID
If SID starts with = then its rest is interpreted as the name of a Matroska file whose segment UID is read and used.
--link-to-next segment-UID
If SID starts with = then its rest is interpreted as the name of a Matroska file whose segment UID is read and used.
--append-mode mode
--append-to SFID1:STID1:DFID1:DTID1[,...]
このオプションが指定されない場合、標準のマッピングが使用されます。この場合、前のファイルのトラックに、現在のファイルのトラックIDが同じであるトラックが追加されます。これにより、動画が二つのファイルに分割されており、かつ同じトラック数とトラックIDを持つ場合、mkvmerge -o output.mkv part1.mkv +part2.mkvのようにして簡単に結合することができます。
$ mkvmerge -o full.mkv file1.mkv + file2.mkv $ mkvmerge -o full.mkv file1.mkv +file2.mkv
[ file1 file2 ]
This is an alternative syntax to using '+' between the file names. Therefore the following two commands are equivalent:
$ mkvmerge -o full.mkv file1.mkv + file2.mkv $ mkvmerge -o full.mkv '[' file1.mkv file2.mkv ']'
$ mkvmerge -o full.mkv = file1.mkv $ mkvmerge -o full.mkv =file1.mkv
( file1 file2 )
ファイル名を括弧で括るのは、オプション=で説明されているように同じ基底名を持つファイルをmkvmerge(1)に検索させない効果もあります。 よって、これらの2つのコマンドラインは同値です:
$ mkvmerge -o out.mkv = file.mkv $ mkvmerge -o out.mkv '(' file.mkv ')'
--attachment-description description
--attachment-mime-type MIME type
--attachment-name name
--attach-file file-name, --attach-file-once file-name
-a, --audio-tracks [!]n,m,...
Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks.
Default: copy all tracks of this kind.
If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
-d, --video-tracks [!]n,m,...
Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks.
If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
-s, --subtitle-tracks [!]n,m,...
Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks.
If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
-b, --button-tracks [!]n,m,...
Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks.
If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
--track-tags [!]n,m,...
-m, --attachments [!]n[:all|first],m[:all|first],...
-A, --no-audio
-D, --no-video
-S, --no-subtitles
-B, --no-buttons
-T, --no-track-tags
-M, --no-attachments
--chapter-charset character-set
--chapter-language language-code
-y, --sync TID:d[,o[/p]]
o/p: タイムスタンプをo/pの割合で調整し、リニアドリフトを修正します。pが省略された場合、デフォルトで1が使用されます。o及びpには小数を指定できます。
デフォルト: マニュアル同期修正は行われません(d = 0 かつo = 1.0の場合と同じです)。
--cues TID:none|iframes|all
The default is 'iframes' for video and subtitle tracks and 'none' for audio tracks. See also option --no-cues which inhibits the creation of cue entries regardless of the --cues options used.
--default-track TID[:bool]
--forced-track TID[:bool]
--blockadd TID:level
--track-name TID:name
--language TID:language
-t, --tags TID:file-name
--aac-is-sbr TID[:0|1]
ソースファイルがMatroskaファイルの場合、CodecIDによりSBR AACを検知できます。しかし、CodecIDが不正な場合、このスイッチで修正することができます。
--reduce-to-core TID
Currently only DTS tracks are affected by this option. TrueHD tracks that contain an embedded AC-3 core are instead presented as two separate tracks for which the user can select which track to copy. For DTS such a scheme would not work as the HD extensions cannot be decoded by themselves – unlike the TrueHD data.
--remove-dialog-normalization-gain TID
Currently only AC-3, DTS and TrueHD tracks are affected by this option.
--timestamps TID:file-name
--default-duration TID:x
--fix-bitstream-timing-information TID[:0|1]
--nalu-size-length TID:n
--compression TID:n
'mpeg4_p2'/'mpeg4p2'圧縮法は、 MPEG4 part2 ビデオトラックにのみ適用できる、'header removal'と呼ばれる特殊な圧縮法です。
The default for some subtitle types is 'zlib' compression. This compression method is also the one that most if not all playback applications support. Support for other compression methods other than 'none' is not assured.
-f, --fourcc TID:FourCC
--display-dimensions TID:widthxheight
--aspect-ratio TID:ratio|width/height
--aspect-ratio-factor TID:factor|n/d
--cropping TID:left,top,right,bottom
--colour-matrix TID:n
Valid values and their meaning are:
0: GBR, 1: BT709, 2: unspecified, 3: reserved, 4: FCC, 5: BT470BG, 6: SMPTE 170M, 7: SMPTE 240M, 8: YCOCG, 9: BT2020 non-constant luminance, 10: BT2020 constant luminance
--colour-bits-per-channel TID:n
--chroma-subsample TID:hori,vert
Example: For video with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling, the parameter should be set to TID:1,1.
--cb-subsample TID:hori,vert
Example: For video with 4:2:1 chroma subsampling, the parameter --chroma-subsample should be set to TID:1,0 and Cb-subsample should be set to TID:1,0.
--chroma-siting TID:hori,vert
--colour-range TID:n
--colour-transfer-characteristics TID:n
Valid values and their meaning are:
0: reserved, 1: ITU-R BT.709, 2: unspecified, 3: reserved, 4: gamma 2.2 curve, 5: gamma 2.8 curve, 6: SMPTE 170M, 7: SMPTE 240M, 8: linear, 9: log, 10: log sqrt, 11: IEC 61966-2-4, 12: ITU-R BT.1361 extended colour gamut, 13: IEC 61966-2-1, 14: ITU-R BT.2020 10 bit, 15: ITU-R BT.2020 12 bit, 16: SMPTE ST 2084, 17: SMPTE ST 428-1; 18: ARIB STD-B67 (HLG)
--colour-primaries TID:n
Valid values and their meaning are:
0: reserved, 1: ITU-R BT.709, 2: unspecified, 3: reserved, 4: ITU-R BT.470M, 5: ITU-R BT.470BG, 6: SMPTE 170M, 7: SMPTE 240M, 8: FILM, 9: ITU-R BT.2020, 10: SMPTE ST 428-1, 22: JEDEC P22 phosphors
--max-content-light TID:n
--max-frame-light TID:n
--chromaticity-coordinates TID:red-x,red-y,green-x,green-y,blue-x,blue-y
--white-colour-coordinates TID:x,y
--max-luminance TID:float
--min-luminance TID:float
--projection-type TID:method
--projection-private TID:data
--projection-pose-yaw TID:float
--projection-pose-pitch TID:float
--projection-pose-roll TID:float
--field-order TID:n
0: progressive; 1: interlaced with top field displayed first and top field stored first; 2: undetermined field order; 6: interlaced with bottom field displayed first and bottom field stored first; 9: interlaced with bottom field displayed first and top field stored first; 14: interlaced with top field displayed first and bottom field stored first
--stereo-mode TID:n|keyword
'mono', 'side_by_side_left_first', 'top_bottom_right_first', 'top_bottom_left_first', 'checkerboard_right_first', 'checkerboard_left_first', 'row_interleaved_right_first', 'row_interleaved_left_first', 'column_interleaved_right_first', 'column_interleaved_left_first', 'anaglyph_cyan_red', 'side_by_side_right_first', 'anaglyph_green_magenta', 'both_eyes_laced_left_first', 'both_eyes_laced_right_first'.
--sub-charset TID:character-set
-i, --identify file-name
The output format used for the result can be changed with the option --identification-format.
-J file-name
-F, --identification-format format
This format is not meant to be parsed. The output will be translated into the language mkvmerge(1) uses (see also --ui-language).
All versions of the JSON schema are available both online and in the released source code archives.
--probe-range-percentage percentage
If tracks are known to be present but not found then the percentage to probe can be changed with this option. The minimum of 10 MB is built-in and cannot be changed.
-l, --list-types
--priority priority
Selecting 'lowest' also causes mkvmerge(1) to select idle I/O priority in addition to the lowest possible process priority.
--command-line-charset character-set
--output-charset character-set
-r, --redirect-output file-name
--ui-language code
--debug topic
--engage feature
-h, --help
-V, --version
オプションは左から右へと処理されます。もし同じスコープ内に1つのオプションが2回以上出てきた場合には、最後のものが使われます。よって、次の例ではタイトルは"Something else"に設定されます。
$ mkvmerge -o output.mkv --title 'This and that' input.avi --title 'Something else'
$ mkvmerge -o output.mkv --language 0:fre français.ogg --language 0:deu deutsch.ogg
あなたは、 MyMovie.avi というファイルを持っていて、またオーディオトラックが別の、例えば 'MyMovie.wav'というファイルに入っているとします。あなたは、まず音声をOggVorbisでエンコードしたいと思います。
$ oggenc -q4 -oMyMovie.ogg MyMovie.wav
$ mkvmerge -o MyMovie-with-sound.mkv MyMovie.avi MyMovie.ogg
$ mkvmerge -o MyMovie-with-sound.mkv -A MyMovie.avi MyMovie.ogg
$ oggenc -q4 -oMyMovie-add-audio.ogg MyMovie-add-audio.wav $ mkvmerge -o MM-complete.mkv MyMovie-with-sound.mkv MyMovie-add-audio.ogg
$ mkvmerge -o MM-complete.mkv -A MyMovie.avi MyMovie.ogg MyMovie-add-audio.ogg
$ mkvmerge --identify outofsync.ogg
$ mkvmerge -o goodsync.mkv -A source.avi -y 12345:200 outofsync.ogg
上のようにすると、'outofsync.ogg'に入っている、IDが 12345 のオーディオトラックの最初に200msの無音を挿入します。
$ mkvmerge -o goodsync.mkv -y 23456:0,77346/77340 outofsync.mkv
$ tccat -i /path/to/copied/dvd/ -T 1 -L | tcextract -x ps1 -t vob -a 0x20 | subtitle2pgm -o mymovie
$ pgm2txt mymovie
$ ispell -d american *txt
$ srttool -s -w -i mymovie.srtx -o
$ mkvmerge -o mymovie.mkv mymovie.avi
$ mkvmerge --list-languages
$ mkvmerge -o with-lang-codes.mkv --language 2:ger --language 3:dut without-lang-codes.mkv
$ mkvmerge -o with-lang-codes.mkv --language 2:ger --language 3:dut --default-track 3 without-lang-codes.mkv --language 0:eng --default-track 0 --language 0:fre
$ mkvmerge -o no-compression.mkv --compression -1:none MyMovie.avi --compression -1:none
$ mkvmerge -i v.mkv File 'v.mkv': container: Matroska Track ID 0: video (V_MS/VFW/FOURCC, DIV3) Track ID 1: audio (A_MPEG/L3)
また、各入力ファイルは、それ固有のトラックIDの組を持っていることにも注意してください。従って、'mkvmerge --identify'で報告される'file1.ext'のトラックIDは、他にいくつ入力ファイルがあっても、また、'file1.ext'がどの位置で使われようとも、変わることはありません。
There are several IDs that have special meaning and do not occur in the identification output.
The special track ID '-2' refers to the chapters in a source file. Currently only the --sync option uses this special ID. As an alternative to --sync -2:... the option --chapter-sync ... can be used.
BOMで始まるテキストファイルは、既にUTFエンコーディングの一種でエンコードされています。mkvmerge(1)はUTF-8、UTF-16リトルエンディアン及びビッグエンディアン、UTF-32リトルエンディアン及びビッグエンディアンの五つのモードをサポートします。BOMで始まるテキストファイルは自動的にUTF-8に変換されます。この場合、テキストファイルの文字コードを指定するパラメータ(例: --sub-charset)は全て黙殺されます。
On Windows the default character set used for converting text files is determined by a call to the GetACP() system call.
Reading the command line is done with the GetCommandLineW() function which already returns a Unicode string. Therefore the option --command-line-charset is ignored on Windows.
Output to the console consists of three scenarios:
If the output is redirected with cmd.exe itself, e.g. with mkvinfo file.mkv > info.txt, then the charset is always UTF-8 and cannot be changed.
Otherwise (when writing directly to the console) the Windows function WriteConsoleW() is used and the option --output-charset is ignored. The console should be able to output all Unicode characters for which the corresponding language support is installed (e.g. Chinese characters might not be displayed on English Windows versions).
An option file contains JSON-formatted data. Its content must be a valid JSON array consisting solely of JSON strings. The file's encoding must be UTF-8. The file should not start with a byte order marker (BOM), but if one exists, it will be skipped.
The rules for escaping special characters inside JSON are the ones in the official JSON specification, RFC 7159[4].
The command line 'mkvmerge -o "my file.mkv" -A "a movie.avi" sound.ogg' could be converted into the following JSON option file called e.g. 'options.json':
"c:\\Matroska\\my file.mkv",
"a movie.avi",
"sound.ogg" ]
もしひとつのファイルがいくつかの小さなファイルに分割されて紐付けされる場合、タイムコードは0から始まらず、前のファイルの続きから始まります。この方式では、前のファイルが無い場合も絶対時間が保たれます(例: ストリーミングを使用している際)。もし、紐付けが使用されない場合、タイムコードは各ファイルで0から始まります。デフォルトではmkvmerge(1)はファイル紐付けを使用しません。ファイル紐付けを使用したい場合は、--linkオプションを使用する必要があります。このオプションはファイル分割が有効な場合以外には無効です。
ファイル分割が有効か無効かに関わらず、ユーザはmkvmerge(1)に、生成したファイルを特定のSIDに紐付けすることができます。これは--link-to-previousオプションと--link-to-nextオプションにより可能です。これらのオプションはmkvinfo(1)が出力するフォーマット(16個の0x00から0xffまでの、'0x'を頭につけた16進数)のSIDを受け付けます(例: '0x41 0xda 0x73 0x66 0xd9 0xcf 0xb2 0x1e 0xae 0x78 0xeb 0xb4 0x5e 0xca 0xb3 0x93')。もしくは短い形式('0x'及び数字の間のスペースを省いた0x00から0xffまでの16進数の数字)を指定することもできます。例: '41da7366d9cfb21eae78ebb45ecab393'
Matroskaファイルの仕様には、デフォルト値を持つエレメントの存在が明記されています。通常、デフォルト値と等しい値をもつエレメントはファイルサイズを抑えるためファイルに書き込まれません。mkvinfo(1)では表示されないかもしれないエレメントは、言語とデフォルトトラックフラグエレメントです。言語エレメントのデフォルト値は英語('eng')で、デフォルトトラックフラグエレメントのデフォルト値はtrueです。よって、あるトラックに--language: 0:engを指定した場合には、mkvinfo(1)の出力には現れません。
$ mkvmerge -o output.mkv -A video.avi sound.ogg \
--attachment-description "Me and the band behind the stage in a small get-together" \
--attachment-mime-type image/jpeg \
--attach-file me_and_the_band.jpg \
--attachment-description "The real rare and unbelievably good looking font" \
--attachment-mime-type application/octet-stream \
--attach-file really_cool_font.ttf
mkvmerge(1)は2種類のチャプタファイルを入力としてサポートしています。一つ目は'シンプルチャプタファイル'と呼ばれるもので、OGM toolsが想定しているものと同じフォーマットです。二つ目はXMLベースのチャプタフォーマットで、Matroskaのチャプタ機能の全てをサポートしています。
CHAPTER01=00:00:00.000 CHAPTER01NAME=Intro CHAPTER02=00:02:30.000 CHAPTER02NAME=Baby prepares to rock CHAPTER03=00:02:42.300 CHAPTER03NAME=Baby rocks the house
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE Chapters SYSTEM "matroskachapters.dtd"> <Chapters>
<ChapterString>A short chapter</ChapterString>
<ChapterString>A part of that short chapter</ChapterString>
</EditionEntry> </Chapters>
Chapters (master)
EditionEntry (master)
EditionUID (unsigned integer, valid range: 1 <= value)
EditionFlagHidden (unsigned integer, valid range: 0 <= value <= 1)
EditionFlagDefault (unsigned integer, valid range: 0 <= value <= 1)
EditionFlagOrdered (unsigned integer, valid range: 0 <= value <= 1)
ChapterAtom (master)
ChapterAtom (master)
ChapterUID (unsigned integer, valid range: 1 <= value)
ChapterTimeStart (unsigned integer)
ChapterTimeEnd (unsigned integer)
ChapterFlagHidden (unsigned integer, valid range: 0 <= value <= 1)
ChapterFlagEnabled (unsigned integer, valid range: 0 <= value <= 1)
ChapterSegmentUID (binary, valid range: 1 <= length in bytes)
ChapterSegmentEditionUID (unsigned integer, valid range: 1 <= value)
ChapterPhysicalEquiv (unsigned integer)
ChapterTrack (master)
ChapterTrackNumber (unsigned integer, valid range: 1 <= value)
ChapterDisplay (master)
ChapterString (UTF-8 string)
ChapterLanguage (UTF-8 string)
ChapterCountry (UTF-8 string)
ChapterProcess (master)
ChapterProcessCodecID (unsigned integer)
ChapterProcessPrivate (binary)
ChapterProcessCommand (master)
ChapterProcessTime (unsigned integer)
ChapterProcessData (binary)
Matroska's tag system is similar to that of other containers: a set of KEY=VALUE pairs. However, in Matroska these tags can also be nested, and both the KEY and the VALUE are elements of their own. The example file example-tags-2.xml shows how to use this system.
mkvmerge(1)はMatroskaファイルにタグを追加する二つのオプションを認識します。--global-tagsと--tagsオプションです。この二つの違いは、前者の--global-tagsは、上述のTargetsエレメントを全て取り除くことで、タグがファイル全体に適用されるようにします。後者の--tagsオプションは、mkvmerge(1)が of the --tagsに指定したTIDの示すトラックに対して自動的に計算したUIDを挿入します。
あなたは、AVIから読み込まれるビデオトラックにタグをつけたいと仮定しましょう。mkvmerge --identify file.aviを実行すると、ビデオトラックのトラックID(このIDをUIDと混同しないでください!)は0であると教えてくれます。よって、あなたは全てのTargetsエレメントを記入しないタグファイルを作成し、mkvmerge(1)を以下のように実行します。
$ mkvmerge -o file.mkv --tags 0:tags.xml file.avi
Tags (master)
Tag (master)
Targets (master)
TargetTypeValue (unsigned integer)
TargetType (UTF-8 string)
TrackUID (unsigned integer)
EditionUID (unsigned integer)
ChapterUID (unsigned integer)
AttachmentUID (unsigned integer)
Simple (master)
Simple (master)
Name (UTF-8 string)
TagLanguage (UTF-8 string)
DefaultLanguage (unsigned integer)
String (UTF-8 string)
Binary (binary)
With a segment info XML file it is possible to set certain values in the "segment information" header field of a Matroska file. All of these values cannot be set via other command line options.
他の"segment information"ヘッダフィールドはコマンドラインオプション経由で設定できますが、XMLファイル経由では設定できません。 これはには例えば--titleや--timestamp-scale オプションなどが含まれます。
他にもコマンドラインオプション経由でもXMLファイル経由でも設定できない要素があります。これらには以下のものが含まれます:DateUTC (別名"muxing date")、MuxingApp、WritingApp、そしてDurationです。それらは常にmkvmerge(1)自身によって設定されます。
Info (master)
SegmentUID (binary, valid range: length in bytes == 16)
SegmentFilename (UTF-8 string)
PreviousSegmentUID (binary, valid range: length in bytes == 16)
PreviousSegmentFilename (UTF-8 string)
NextSegmentUID (binary, valid range: length in bytes == 16)
NextSegmentFilename (UTF-8 string)
SegmentFamily (binary, valid range: length in bytes == 16)
ChapterTranslate (master)
ChapterTranslateEditionUID (unsigned integer)
ChapterTranslateCodec (unsigned integer)
ChapterTranslateID (binary)
[EBMLヘッダ] [セグメント {メタシーク #1} [セグメント情報] [トラック情報] {添付ファイル} {チャプタ} [クラスタ 1] {クラスタ 2} ... {クラスタ n} {CUE} {メタシーク #2} {タグ}]
The shortest possible Matroska file would look like this:
[EBMLヘッダ] [セグメント [セグメント情報] [トラック情報] [クラスタ1]]
$ mkvmerge ... --timestamps 0:my_timestamps.txt v1.avi +v2.avi
# timestamp format v1 assume 27.930 800,1000,25 1500,1700,30
# timestamp format v2 0 40 80
# timestamp format v3 assume 0.0 25.325 7.530,38.236 gap, 10.050 2.000,38.236
mkvinfo(1), mkvextract(1), mkvpropedit(1), mkvtoolnix-gui(1)
Bunkus Moritz[FAMILY Given] <>
2019-02-09 | MKVToolNix 31.0.0 |