nimgrep - Nim Grep Utility Version 1.2
- (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf
- nimgrep [options] [pattern] [replacement] (file/directory)*
- --find,
- find the pattern (default)
- --replace,
- replace the pattern
- --peg
- pattern is a peg
- --re
- pattern is a regular expression (default); extended syntax for the regular
expression is always turned on
- --recursive
- process directories recursively
- --confirm
- confirm each occurrence/replacement; there is a chance to abort any time
without touching the file
- --stdin
- read pattern from stdin (to avoid the shell's confusing quoting
- --word,
- the match should have word boundaries (buggy for pegs!)
- --ignoreCase,
- be case insensitive
- --ignoreStyle,
- be style insensitive
- --ext:EX1|EX2|...
- only search the files with the given extension(s)
- --nocolor
- output will be given without any colours.
- --oneline
- show file on each matched line
- --verbose
- be verbose: list every processed file
- --filenames
- find the pattern in the filenames, not in the contents of the file
- --help,
- shows this help
- --version,
- shows the version