DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / nut-server / rhino.8.en
RHINO(8) NUT Manual RHINO(8)

rhino - Driver for Brazilian Microsol RHINO UPS equipment

This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the rhino driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).

This driver has been tested with :

•Rhino 6000 VA

•Rhino 7500 VA

•Rhino 10000 VA

•Rhino 20000 VA

All Rhino models are sinusoidal on-line.

This driver support the following extra optional settings in ups.conf(5):

battext = n - (default = 0, no extra battery, where n = Ampere*hour )

•load.on - Turn on the load immediately

• - Turn off the load immediately

•bypass.start - Put the UPS in bypass mode

•bypass.stop - Put the UPS out of bypass mode

•shutdown.stayoff - Shut down in 3 minutes and do not return

Silvino B. Magalhães <>


The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page:

12/29/2015 Network UPS Tools 2.7.3.