DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / opa-basic-tools / opapmaquery.1.en
opapmaquery(1) Master map: IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) opapmaquery(1)


(All) Performs individual PMA queries against a specific LID. It is very useful in displaying port runtime information.

opapmaquery [-v] [-s sl] [-l lid] [-h hfi] [-p port] [-o otype]
[-m port] [-n mask] [-e mask] [-w mask]

Produces full help text.

Specifies the verbose output. Can be specified more than once for additional openib debugging and libibumad debugging.

Specifies different service level. Default is SM SL.

Specifies the destination LID. Default is local port.

Specifies the HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p port port is a system-wide port number. Default is 0.

Specifies the port, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies the first active port. Default is 0.

Specifies the output type. Default is getportstatus. Refer to otype options vary by report for supported options.

Valid output types are:

classportinfo Specifies the class of port info.

getportstatus Specifies the list of port counters. Supported options:

[-m port] [-w vl mask]

clearportstatus Clears the port counters. Supported options:

[-n port mask] [-e counter mask] [-w vl mask]

getdatacounters Specifies the list of data counters. Supported options:

[-n port mask] [-w vl mask]

geterrorcounters Specifies the list of error counters. Supported options:

[-n port mask] [-w vl mask]

geterrorinfo Specifies the list of error info. Supported options:

[-n port mask]

clearerrorinfo Clears the error info. Supported options:

[-n port mask] [-e counter mask]

First active port in system (Default).

First active port in system.

First active port on HFI x.

First active port on HFI x.

Port y within system (no matter which ports are active).

HFI x, port y.

otype options vary by report

Specifies the port in destination device to query/clear. Required when using -l option for all but -o classportinfo.

Specifies the port mask, in hexadecimal. Bits represent ports 63-0. For example: 0x2 for port 1, 0x6 for ports 1, 2.

Specifies the counter/error select mask, in hexadecimal. The following lists "Mask - Bit - Location for Counters". Where applicable, location "for Error Info" is presented. Default is all bits set (0xffffffe0).

  • 0x80000000 - 31 - Transmit Data (XmitData) For Error Info: Receive Error Info

  • 0x40000000 - 30 - Receive Data (RcvData) For Error Info: Excessive Buffer Overrun

  • 0x20000000 - 29 - Transmit Packets (XmitPkts) For Error Info: Transmit Const Error Info

  • 0x10000000 - 28 - Receive Packets (RcvPkts) For Error Info: Receive Const Error Info

  • 0x08000000 - 27 - Multicast Transmit Packets (MulticastXmitPkts) For Error Info: Receive Switch Relay Error Info

  • 0x04000000 - 26 - Multicast Receive Packets (MulticastRcvPkts) For Error Info: Uncorrectable Error Info

  • 0x02000000 - 25 - Transmit Wait (XmitWait) For Error Info: FM Configuration Error Info

  • 0x01000000 - 24 - Congestion Discards (CongDiscards)

  • 0x00800000 - 23 - Receive FECN (RcvFECN)

  • 0x00400000 - 22 - Receive BECN (RcvBECN)

  • 0x00200000 - 21 - Transmit Time Congestion (XmitTimeCong)

  • 0x00100000 - 20 - Transmit Time Wasted BW (XmitWastedBW)

  • 0x00080000 - 19 - Transmit Time Wait Data (XmitWaitData)

  • 0x00040000 - 18 - Receive Bubble (RcvBubble)

  • 0x00020000 - 17 - Mark FECN (MarkFECN)

  • 0x00010000 - 16 - Receive Constraint Errors (RcvConstraintErrors)

  • 0x00008000 - 15 - Receive Switch Relay (RcvSwitchRelayErrors)

  • 0x00004000 - 14 - Transmit Discards (XmitDiscards)

  • 0x00002000 - 13 - Transmit Constraint Errors (XmitConstraintErrors)

  • 0x00001000 - 12 - Receive Remote Physical Errors (RcvRemotePhysicalErrors)

  • 0x00000800 - 11 - Local Link Integrity (LocalLinkIntegrityErrors)

  • 0x00000400 - 10 - Receive Errors (RcvErrors)

  • 0x00000200 - 9 - Excessive Buffer Overrun (ExcessiveBufferOverruns)

  • 0x00000100 - 8 - FM Configuration Errors (FMConfigErrors)

  • 0x00000080 - 7 - Link Error Recovery (LinkErrorRecovery)

  • 0x00000040 - 6 - Link Error Downed (LinkDowned)

  • 0x00000020 - 5 - Uncorrectable Errors (UncorrectableErrors)

Specifies the Virtual Lane Select Mask, in hexadecimal. Bits represent VL number 31-0. For example, 0x1 for VL 0, 0x3 for VL 0,1. Default is none.

opapmaquery -o classportinfo

opapmaquery -o getportstatus
# get data and error counts, local port

opapmaquery -o getdatacounters -n 0x2
# get data counts, local port 1

opapmaquery -o geterrorcounters -n 0x2
# get error counts, local port 1

opapmaquery -o clearportstatus -n 0x2
# clear all counters local port 1

opapmaquery -o geterrorinfo -n 0x2
# get error info for local port 1

opapmaquery -o clearerrorinfo -n 0x2
# clear all error info, local port 1
opapmaquery -o getdatacounters -l 6 -n 0x7e -w 0x1
# for device at LID 6, get data counters on ports 1-6, inclusive of VL 0 data

opapmaquery -o clearportstatus -l 6 -n 0x2 -e 0x1ffff
# for device at LID 6, on port 1, clear only error counters

opapmaquery -o clearerrorinfo -l 6 -n 0x2 -e 0x04000000
# for device at LID 6, on ports 1, clear uncorrectable error info

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