opaverifyhosts(8) | Master map: IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) | opaverifyhosts(8) |
Verifies basic node configuration and performance by running FF_HOSTVERIFY_DIR/hostverify.sh on all specified hosts.
NOTE: Prior to using opaverifyhosts, copy the sample file /usr/share/opa/samples/hostverify.sh to FF_HOSTVERIFY_DIR and edit it to set the appropriate configuration and performance expectations and select which tests to run by default. On the first run for a given node, use the -c option so that hostverify.sh gets copied to each node.
FF_HOSTVERIFY_DIR defines both the location of hostverify.sh and the destination of the hostverify.res output file. FF_HOSTVERIFY_DIR is configured in the /etc/opa/opafastfabric.conf file.
A summary of results is appended to the FF_RESULT_DIR/verifyhosts.res file. A punchlist of failures is also appended to the FF_RESULT_DIR/punchlist.csv file. Only failures are shown on stdout.
opaverifyhosts [-kc] [-f hostfile] [-u upload_file]
[-d upload_dir]
[-h hosts] [-T timelimit] [-F filename] [
opaverifyhosts -c
opaverifyhosts -h 'arwen elrond'
HOSTS='arwen elrond' opaverifyhosts
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