clWaitForEvents - Waits on the host thread for commands identified by event objects to complete.
cl_int clWaitForEvents(cl_uint num_events, const cl_event *event_list);
Waits on the host thread for commands identified by event objects in event_list to complete. A command is considered complete if its execution status is CL_COMPLETE or a negative value. The events specified in event_list act as synchronization points.
If the cl_khr_gl_event(3clc) extension is enabled, event objects can also be used to reflect the status of an OpenGL sync object. The sync object in turn refers to a fence command executing in an OpenGL command stream. This provides another method of coordinating sharing of buffers and images between OpenGL and OpenCL.
Returns CL_SUCCESS if the execution status of all events in event_list is CL_COMPLETE. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
OpenCL Specification[1]
clGetEventInfo(3clc), clReleaseEvent(3clc), clRetainEvent(3clc), cl_khr_gl_event(3clc)
The Khronos Group
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02/03/2019 | The Khronos Group |