star4ToFoam - part of OpenFOAM (The Open Source CFD
star4ToFoam [OPTIONS] prefix
Convert STARCD/PROSTAR (v4) mesh to OpenFOAM
- prefix
- The prefix for the input PROSTAR files
- -ascii
- Write in ASCII instead of binary format
- -case
- Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd)
- -noFunctionObjects
- Do not execute function objects
- -scale
- Geometry scaling factor - default is 0.001 ([mm] to [m])
- -solids
- Retain solid cells and treat like fluid cells
- -doc
- Display documentation in browser
- -doc-source
- Display source code in browser
- -help
- Display short help and exit
- -help-full
- Display full help and exit
Online documentation
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