Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager
crm_mon - Provides a summary of cluster's current state.
Outputs varying levels of detail in a number of different
- -?, --help
- This text
- -$, --version
- Version information
- -V, --verbose
- Increase debug output
- -Q, --quiet
- Display only essential output
- -h,
- Write cluster status to the named html file
- -X, --as-xml
- Write cluster status as xml to stdout. This will enable one-shot
- -w, --web-cgi
- Web mode with output suitable for CGI (preselected when run as *.cgi)
- -s,
- Display the cluster status once as a simple one line output (suitable for
- -n,
- Group resources by node
- -r,
- Display inactive resources
- -f,
- Display resource fail counts
- -o,
- Display resource operation history
- -t,
- Display resource operation history with timing details
- -c, --tickets
- Display cluster tickets
- -W,
- Listen for fencing events. For use with --external-agent
- -m,
- Show fence history 0=off, 1=failures and pending (default without option),
2=add successes (default without value for option), 3=show full history
without reduction to most recent of each flavor
- -L,
- Display negative location constraints [optionally filtered by id
- -A,
- Display node attributes
- -D,
- Hide all headers
- -R,
- Show more details (node IDs, individual clone instances)
- -b, --brief
- Brief output
Display the cluster status on the console with updates as they
- # crm_mon
Display the cluster status on the console just once then exit:
- # crm_mon -1
Display your cluster status, group resources by node, and include
inactive resources in the list:
- # crm_mon --group-by-node --inactive
Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it write the cluster
status to an HTML file:
- # crm_mon --daemonize --as-html /path/to/docroot/filename.html
Start crm_mon and export the current cluster status as xml to
stdout, then exit.:
- # crm_mon --as-xml
Written by Andrew Beekhof
Report bugs to