DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / paraview / icetImageGetNumPixels.3.en
icetImageGetNumPixels(3) IceT Reference icetImageGetNumPixels(3)

icetImageGetWidth,icetImageGetHeight,icetImageGetNumPixels-- get dimensions of an image

#include <IceT.h>

IceTSizeType icetImageGetWidth ( const IceTImage image );
IceTSizeType icetImageGetHeight ( const IceTImage image );
IceTSizeType icetImageGetNumPixels ( const IceTImage image );

icetImageGetWidth,icetImageGetHeight,and icetImageGetNumPixelsallow you to query the size of an image with respect to the number of pixels. These functions define the buffer size returned by icetImageGetColor and icetImageGetDepth.

icetImageGetWidthreturns the number of pixels along the horizontal axis of the image and icetImageGetHeightreturns the number of pixels along the vertical axis of the image. icetImageGetNumPixelsis a convenience function that returns the total number of pixels in image (the width times the height).



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icetImageGetColor(3), icetImageGetDepth(3)

August 9, 2010 IceT Reference