pklas2img - Rasterize LAS/LAZ point clouds with
filtering/compositing options
-i lasfile -o output [options] [advanced
pklas2img converts a las/laz point cloud into a gridded
raster dataset. The implementation is based on liblas
⟨⟩ API. You can define the bounding box,
grid cell size and spatial reference set. The composite rule for multiple
returns within a single grid cell can be set with the option -comp.
The default attribute is z (height), but can also be intensity (if
available), the scan angle rank (-n angle), the return number
(-n return) or the total number of returns in that grid cell
(-n nreturn). To select specific returns only, set the option
-fir (first, last, single, multiple, or all).
- -i filename,
--input filename
- Input las file
- -o filename,
--output filename
- Output image file
- -n attribute,
--name attribute
- names of the attribute to select: intensity, angle, return, nreturn,
spacing, z
- -comp composite,
--comp composite
- composite for multiple points in cell (min, max, absmin, absmax, median,
mean, sum, first, last, profile (percentile height values), number (point
density)). Last: overwrite cells with latest point
- -fir type,
--filter type
- filter las points (first,last,single,multiple,all).
- -angle_min
value, --angle_min value
- minimum scan angle to read points.
- -angle_max
value, --angle_max value
- maximum scan angle to read points.
- -a_srs
EPSG:number, --a_srs EPSG:number
- assign the projection for the output file in epsg code, e.g., epsg:3035
for European LAEA projection
- -ulx value,
--ulx value
- Upper left x value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0
is read from input file
- -uly value,
--uly value
- Upper left y value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0
is read from input file
- -lrx value,
--lrx value
- Lower right x value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0
is read from input file
- -lry value,
--lry value
- Lower right y value bounding box (in geocoordinates if georef is true). 0
is read from input file
- -dx value,
--dx value
- Output resolution in x (in meter)
- -dy value,
--dy value
- Output resolution in y (in meter)
- -ot type,
--otype type
- Data type for output image ({Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 /
Float32 / Float64 / CInt16 / CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}). Empty string:
inherit type from input image
- -of out_format,
--oformat out_format
- Output image format (see also gdal_translate(1)).
- -ret value,
--ret value
- number(s) of returns to include
- -class number,
--class number
- classes to keep: 0 (created, never classified), 1 (unclassified), 2
(ground), 3 (low vegetation), 4 (medium vegetation), 5 (high vegetation),
6 (building), 7 (low point, noise), 8 (model key-point), 9 (water), 10
(reserved), 11 (reserved), 12 (overlap)
- -v level,
--verbose level
- verbose mode
Advanced options
- -nbin value,
--nbin value
- Number of percentile bins for calculating percentile height value profile
(=number of output bands)
- -nodata
value, --nodata value
- nodata value to put in image if not valid
- -co option,
--co option
- Creation option for output file. Multiple options can be specified.
- -ct filename,
--ct filename
- colour table in ASCII format having 5 columns: id R G B ALFA (0:
transparent, 255: solid)