plbin - Plot a histogram from binned data
Plots a histogram consisting of nbin bins. The value
associated with the i'th bin is placed in x[i], and the number of
points in the bin is placed in y[i]. For proper operation, the values
in x[i] must form a strictly increasing sequence. By default,
x[i] is the left-hand edge of the i'th bin. If
opt=PL_BIN_CENTRED is used, the bin boundaries are placed midway
between the values in the x vector. Also see plhist(3plplot)
for drawing histograms from unbinned data.
Redacted form: General: plbin(x, y, opt) Python:
plbin(nbin, x, y, opt)
This function is not used in any examples.
- nbin
(PLINT(3plplot), input)
- Number of bins (i.e., number of values in x and y
- x
(PLFLT_VECTOR(3plplot), input)
- A vector containing values associated with bins. These must form a
strictly increasing sequence.
- y
(PLFLT_VECTOR(3plplot), input)
- A vector containing a number which is proportional to the number of points
in each bin. This is a PLFLT (instead of PLINT) vector so as to allow
histograms of probabilities, etc.
- opt
(PLINT(3plplot), input)
- Is a combination of several flags: opt=PL_BIN_DEFAULT: The x
represent the lower bin boundaries, the outer bins are expanded to fill up
the entire x-axis and bins of zero height are simply drawn.
opt=PL_BIN_CENTRED|...: The bin boundaries are to be midway between
the x values. If the values in x are equally spaced, the
values are the center values of the bins. opt=PL_BIN_NOEXPAND|...:
The outer bins are drawn with equal size as the ones inside.
opt=PL_BIN_NOEMPTY|...: Bins with zero height are not drawn (there
is a gap for such bins).
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